Foalout 4 – Sanctuary Hills – Chapter 24 2/2 – Lothmar

You stare at her with mild disgust and sigh. “I should have said something when I thought something was suspicious.” You grumble. “Daisy I’ll give you a chance here to make things easier on yourself. You will be punished but the severity of your punishment will depend on your answers…” You add holding up your hand to stop her from speaking at the first ‘Buh~!” of protest. “I want you to think carefully before answering, do you understand.” She reluctantly nodded.

“First, why is the orange foal the best of your children?” She was about to answer almost instinctually but your stare told her that would be bad.

“Uhm…” After two minutes she finally answered. “Am biggest baby?”

“Is that not due to your own actions though, rather then any particular achievement of the foal itself?”

“Wha’ daddeh mean?” She adds nervously and also confused.

“Well it seems as if Orange almost always gets priority when it comes to feeding and always gets their fill giving them a better chance at becoming bigger and stronger.” She likely also gave him a premium location of comfort and sleep aided in health and growth. “From here on you will be watched closely. For the remainder of the time you feed them milk your starting foals will be cycled and rotated to ensure fair feedings.”

She couldn’t help herself. “Buh den bad babbehs steaw bestest baby’s miwkies!”

Your tone intensified. “No, Buts. I am interested in an explanation on what makes your other children so much lesser that you would abuse them verbally by calling them ‘bad babies’.”

She paused to think and after her last outburst. “Aww odda babbehs no wike mummah or daddeh. Wed bad cowor and sickie so need extwa miwkies and wub dat could be going to bestest. White baby am good cowor bu’ scawy. No get as much miwkies so no as big as bestest in case monster twy num. Gween o’tay cowor so mummah nice but dey be mean to bestest so now am bad.”

‘so sheer nepotism and vanity… Shame.’
You sigh. “Daisy I thought I would be mad but im just… Disappointed.” You add with a slightly sad tone.

“No pwease, Daisy no mean to gib daddeh Heawt huwties.” She adds in a slight panic as she puts down the orange foal near its siblings before rushing over to hug him. “Fwuffy Sowwy. Fwuffy do bettah.”

You pause hearing that. “Oh peach.” You add picking her up. She is hopeful at first until she can see your eyes. “. . .You don’t really mean that, do you?”
She stutters for a moment. “I thought so. I have failed you Daisy. I’ll try better next time.” You add walking out of the tree while still holding her in your arm.

“Daddeh, no can weab babbehs. Babbeh’s nee mumma, am onwy widdwe babbehs.”

“Daisy please, this is… Hard enough for me without you trying to emotionally manipulate me.” You add with a quick swat to the haunch so she understood not to make you mad and she squeaked in alarm. Your second hand picked Durum out of the box and set him on the ground. “Go and watch your foals. I’ll return after Daisy has been punished.”

Before you can get too far Durum managed one sentence. “Speciaw fwiend am, coming back wight?” as they said this tears started to form as they imagined the worst.

“I hope so…” You add as Daisy starts to get nervous and begins to struggle in your grasp. You take her down the street and set her down on a work bench and lay your left arm flat along her body to keep her from escaping as you make a few adjustments on your pip boy before picking her up and vanishing. “I didn’t want to bring you back here Daisy.”


You would return in a few hours, thankfully with Daisy in hand. “You remember what I told you?” You say pausing at your house.

“Daddeh Hab babbehs dat nee’ miwkies. Diwectow adopt fwuffy if fwuffy feed and waise aww foals with huggies and wub.”

“That is correct. I take it you remember daddies rules?”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded excitedly. “What was the last one?”

“Aww babbeh’s awe good babbehs. Aww babbehs am speciaw in own way… An Daddeh decides who is bestest at what aftew dey can wun and wawk?”

“Correct. Now lets introduce you to everyone. You’ll need a name, how about… Daisy.”

“Am vewy pwetty name, dank’ou fow name Daddeh.”

“Good girl. I hope you like Durum, he’s been lonely trying to raise the foals alone. If you get along I wouldn’t mind letting you two be special friends. If not, you are free to choose a different fluffy though other then Phanes. I think he and peaches will be a couple soon.”

“Dat so saddies. Hope daisy can hewp Duwum wif heawt hurties.”

As you step around the house and return to the tree you see the assembled fluffies eating their dinner.

“Daddeh, Duwum wuz so wowwied.” Durum adds as he stops eating and walks over. You set daisy down and gesture to a bowl. “Yours is the one with the flower. Go eat and feed the foals.”

“O’tay!” She adds pausing to gib Durum a hug on the way. “Daisy hewe to hewp.” She adds with a positivity as if to suggest he was no longer alone.

“. . .Thank ou’?” Duwum add confused but you stop him before he can follow her.

“We need to talk.” You add looking over at Phanes and Peaches who were just finishing their food. “Phanes, Peaches. I’ll need to talk to you as well. Gather the foals and follow me.” You add picking up peaches and walking them around the corner as Daisy ate quickly and excitedly, eager to introduce herself to the new foals her daddy was letting her raise for him.

“I made Daisies meanies go away but they took precious memories with them. As far as she’s aware, this is her first time meeting any of you. Durum, she does not remember you are her speciaw friend. It’s fine if you become special friends again but don’t force it. She’ll help you raise the foals regardless but for now, you are not special friends.”

Durum was shocked and their ears drooped and they lost strength in their wegs. “Thought daddeh say Duwum onwy get warning…” To them the pain in his heart was the worst punishment he could every receive.

As you look at them they suddenly realize how truly terrifying their daddy could be. To the sole survivor… This~ was, a warning.


The bestest babbeh irk could probably be altered in future versions of fluffies but that would mean someone would have to get into the source code and change that… and we all know what a pain in the arse that sort of work is. :sweat_smile:

Oh dear...

Sorry to be a bother but Peaches and Daisy gets mixed up a bit again. Easily happens when you’ve read through your work several times. The brain somehow skip what it should detect. As a friend says - shit happens when you party naked. :kissing_heart:

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I need to proof read more. I only have 1 or 2’ish readers anyway. No sense making them suffer more. xD

There is no suffering with your stories, only enjoyment. :grin:

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