Foalout 4 – Sanctuary Hills – Chapter 26 – Lothmar

After a few more minutes of play the street lights came on. “Dark time is soon, time for good fluffies to go to bed.” The fluffies acknowledged the command and started to assemble and walk into the tree. “Hopefully I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well.”

As you walk away the Mr handy robobrain Isaac follows. “Daddeh, why Daisy no get punished wike smarty?”

“Three reasons. First, their body was undamaged. Second, their issue was a software and programming where yours was hardware due to your damaged components. Third, severity of offense.” You say this as you make your way to your garage workshop.

“Buh, if component weason smawty bad~ den no smawty fault, wight? Why punish Smawty for some’fin smawty no can contwol?”

“An amusing premise smarty.” You add sarcastically getting out the materials you’d need for the wheel leg apparatus. “Would you like me to hook you up for diagnostics and verify if your will is invalid?” As you say this you are securing a small platform in place to add padding to later to comfortably support the upper chest atop a pipe bracing system. You’d add leather straps to this for a body harness later.

“No undewstand but if get out of punishment den yes.” You had a feeling this was the case.
You direct him over to the robot assembler and have him dock before shutting down the robot temporarily before plugging it in. You set a diagnostic program to run before returning to your work.

The wheels would be made of ceramic disks with a rubber edge so it was slightly softer if it rolled over something. You secured these to the axel attached to the pipe framing. It was a mish mash of colored components; it was ugly but functional. “I’ll have her test it before we paint it.” You say with a nod.

You go back to the assembler and check the system. “Ok, I see a few bugs but I cant fix them without an institute interface. But even if I do that’d just be patching something likely to reoccur.“ You add examining the extent of the brain scars and burns from the removed component.

“Considering the damaged areas, limited impulse control and dulled sense of satisfaction are entirely probable. So not only would they want to do things, but they also wouldn’t be as enjoyable so they’d want to do them in excess. This likely leads to stress and irritability which turns to violence. He’s practically a junky raider.” Something about that makes you think. “I’ll put a pin in that.”

You assemble a giddyup buttercup after doing some maintenance on the leg components and modifications to the body like you had with Durums. Admittedly for this one you’d have to fabricate a general silicon and rubber intake since you didn’t have another synth ‘component’ of that nature. A coat of animal hide for the body exterior so it’s not so hard and cold and a little paint for the metal parts and dye for the fur. You color this one in a peach tone for Phanes knowing he was smitten but hoping to push their interest along. You pondered testing it with your fingers to ensure it didn’t cause friction chafe until you realized what you were about to do. Instead you simply added some lubricant in a method I wont mention and hoped for the best.

With the sex toy exterior drying you go across the street to the building used for storage and go to the secure fenced in area for drugs. You find the cabinet labeled ‘pre war’ and go to the ‘med tek’ shelf and move from left to right. When your eyes reach the F’s you find it. “Here we go.” You say taking out a container of Fixer. In smarties current state you couldn’t try giving them a couple of other treatments you know for helping inhibit addictions as they were ingested. Fixer however could be ground up or plopped in to the robo brain preservation fluid. Various types of mentats worked as well but you weren’t sure what kind of effect those would have on a fluffy so you decided not to risk it for now.

“Welp, this could help… Or It could kill them.” You add with a tone that suggested you were reconsidering it but you flipped open the input that you usually attached a hose to and dropped the pill inside. You’d turn on the monitor and give it a few minutes as you saw the pill float down and fizz up through the fluid before turning the robot back on.

“How we doing smarty?”

“Feel, otay… Wike. Nebah knew was cawwy awound a heabie weight. Did daddeh fix fwuffy?”

The tone did not sound like a lie, so you were very surprised that smarty had not referred to itself as such. From what you had read of the smarty syndrome dossier they tended to always do that. “We’ll have to monitor your progress but im actually hopeful so I think I’ll refer to you as Isaac instead of smarty”

“Thank’ou fow name daddeh.” They added surprised, perhaps thinking they did not deserve a name since they were a bad fluffy. “Isaac Sowwy fow twy take wand wif herd and gib huwties to daddeh’s fwuffies.”

“You’ve taken your first step then. You still have a ways to go till your punishment is over, but lets get you some more fluff to wear.” You liked to reward positive behavior. You filled out the remaining exterior on the Handy robo brain and dyed the colors according to Isaacs choice. In the morning Isaac would be a lovely plum to royal purple tone with a yellowish gold on top of the eye pods and body in place of mane and tail.

You placed the sex toy in the empty building backroom where Durum had his. You laughed to yourself as you placed them somewhat close enough that you imagined the pair going at it while casually chatting as if to an adjacent urinal. You then went to bed while the assembler worked on a project for field work tomorrow.


A way to fix smarty syndrome without excessive coding?! Well I’ll be damned… 0_0

Guess what?

I noticed that you wrote Peach instead of Daisy in regards to the reset that smarty/Isaac questioned. Sorry for being a bother. :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the heads up.

Thought I got them all after two other fixes. xD

Hmm, maybe I’ll just call every fluffy fluffy and go by colors/types instead. /Sarc

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With a creative mind comes some mishaps. Happens to all genius. You do you. :kissing_heart:

Too be fair, they’re just a brain in a life support pod compared to a regular fluffies body. So certain interactions that might just cause instant death might not occur.

Might need to submit a report to bio division and start a clinical trial though since it seems promising.

I’ll say this though. There’s a hint to future about this in the details of fixer if you want to try and skim a spoiler. :slight_smile:

I don’t have the brains right now to think ahead neither in real life, fiction or video games but keep the chapters coming. I’m all here for them. :grin: