Foals in a serving or pitching machine

Just curious if anyone is aware of any art involving fluffies/foals being put into the hoppers of baseball/tennis pitching/serving machines?

A tennis racquet’s weave would be an interesting combination with a fluffy being shot out of the machine like a lob up. Similar for a little pegasus foal feeling special as a flying “wingie babbeh” being shot out of the baseball machine and then meeting an aluminum bat.


I did one once involving baseball xD
but hoppers, no :1

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I can imagine someone trying to create a foal launcher by starting with a pitching machine, of course the foals end up getting eviscerated by the machine and their innards clog it up as it spits up their chunks. lol.

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I did a story where they were strung up by their tails and swung at T-ball style.

No art i’ve seen, sorry) But a have a story^^
