Foals on Discount (by Hidden_Eng)

I tried different styles of fluffies on this one.


The orange one looks so… abusable i guess.


Aww yiss. Neglected foals.

That’s like the heroine of sadbox.


foals in diapers are always so cute


I wouldn’t be able to hurt little blue or brown and green. Too cute, too babyish. Id adopt them, be their friend. The other two, id probably buy them to put them out of their misery. Might be a creative way of doing it, might be very prolonged, but still.

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Diapers mean I feel no guilt for “accidentally breaking merchandise” and paying for it before I leave.

Eff shitrats in diapers. They deserve the worst abusers can dish out


Fuck off, theyre mine. You can take the farting one. The orange one is absolutely mine to torture

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O-O damn foals just diapered in your fluffy world? I don’t mind. It’s definitely a nice change of pace. There’s only like a few who do it.

Orange is perfect since Halloween in coming.
Of course, I’ve seen what happens to holiday themed fluffies once the season is over…

I’ll take them all!

They’ll make nice holiday roasts!

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You called?


God this art is great, makes me wish there was one of those quickly made games like on during game dev challenges where the player works in a fluff store and has to stop foals from leaving their display boxes and ruining the merchandise like toys before they get sold.


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: nice :ok_hand:

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"Blue Babbeh sucks harder to stand dominace "

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So, are those balls edible or not?

Because there’s probably some fluffies dumb enough to try eating them either way.

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Diapers remind me too much of babies. Now butt-corks, that’s how you preserve the biotoy’s aesthetics! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


There is kinda a game like that where you have to keep a fluffy herd alive. Here.

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I’m just going to assume that it’s like Dwarf Fortress: no way to win, but a lot of ways to lose.

Also, now I wanna see Dwarf Fortress with fluffies. You thought cats were bad…

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Already have tried that game, but thanks for the suggestion anyway! It’s a great game and 100% give props to foxhoarder for making it!

But idk why, there’s something about the concept of fluff stores and fluffies being in displays that just makes me wish there was a game with that kind of setting, preferbly something made in a 3D engine like Unity or Unreal.

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