For Caesar pt. 2 by bunnybunnyhops

Caesar screamed like a banshee as the cold water from the hose hit him. The meanie lady said she would talk to him after he had a bath. Said he smelled like shit. She had covered him with shampoo that hurt his eyes and used a push broom to scrub him.

The ones that didn’t give her trouble were given a warm bath and dried by the nice mister that lived in the other house. They were being put into two large cages the mister had brought out. Mares in one, stallions in the other.

Caesar was the last to be washed. He kept getting away only until he got cornered. When he as clean. The mean lady stopped the water. She put on latex gloves. She took something from one of the fluffies standing near her.

Caesar tried to run. He was jumped and pinned down by a large bat winged black and blue monster fluffy mare. She hissed at him. “Bad, smarty.”

The mean lady moved the monster fluffy. She pinned down Caesar with her knee and put the muzzle on him. “That should keep you quiet.” She picked him up by the scruff of the neck. “I’m in no mood for your smarty prattle.” She dropped him in the stallion cage. “It’s not like you will say anything I hadn’t heard before.” She looked over the stallions. She was going to lower their numbers. “Brutus, Cassius came here.”

The young coral and sapphire blue toughie. And the eggshell and tan slave stallion stepped forward. They looked up at the lady. “Yes, meanie wady.”

“You kept your end of our bargain, so I will keep mine. A very nice mister has agreed to be your new daddy. If you wish to stay together, he’ll take you both, but if you don’t,” the lady looked at the eggshell and tan stallion. “Cassius, your little momma left home and lives in place that allows fluffies. If you can forgive her for abandoning you, she wants you back.”

Cassius nodded. “Wittwe mummah am gud mummah. Wub an’ miss wittwe mummah.”

The lady opened the gate to the cage to let them out. The three other toughies and Caesar wanted to attack the two traitors, but the large winged fluffies were sitting at the ready above their cage. Their fear overrode their anger.

The lady closed the gate. She walked over to the table that had been set up. It had everything she may or may not need. “Now, I’m going to take you out one by one. As long as you behave, I’ll be nice. Misbehavior will be punished. Know you are nothing, you’ll always be nothing until humans make you useful. I don’t care about your happiness, I don’t care about your pain. I care about me and mine. I’m going to process you one by one. If you’re chipped and your owner wants you back, they will have you back. No matter who they are. You mean that little to me.”

The lady opened the mare cage. Sappho stood in front of the group. “Nu gib owwies tu fwiends.”

The lady smiled. She was willing to listen to the protective ones. “Do you have a name?”

“Am Sappho.”

The lady laughed. “Do you have a special mare friend, Sappho?”

Sappho nodded. “Pinkie mawe, Ewinna, am speshuw fwend.”

“Tell me, how did you end up with this herd?”

“Wady say nu cawe about fwuffie.”

“I don’t, but you caught my interest. I suggest you don’t waste the opportunity.”

“Mummah meanie fwend nu wike sappho, took to twee pwace.”

The lady pick up a scanner. “I’m going to run this over you. It won’t hurt. It will find the thing inside you so I can find your momma.”

Sappho stood still as the lady ran the scanner over her. Their was a beep. The lady looked at her computer. “Looks like you momma really wants you back. There’s a reward and everything.”

“Can wady teww mummah about speshuw fwend? Wan’ to be wiff hew.”

“I will. But first I need to ask you both something. If there was a way, and if your owner allows it, would you want to have each other’s babies?”

The brown toughie laughed. “Dummeh hooman, mawe nu can hab babbehs wiff mawe.”

The lady turned her attention to the toughie. “You sure about that?”

The toughie stepped back. Her emotionless face frighten him. “Bwownie toughie am suwe.”

The lady put in terms a fluffy would understand. “You would be right, but with human magic anything possible. I have powerful magic. I can give a mare another mares babies.” She didn’t add she never done it before, but it wasn’t anything different than creating any other fluffies from the genes of a stallion and mare.

“Meanie wady nu wie?” Erinna asked. “Can gib Ewinna Sappho babbehs?”

“I decided you and Sappho can call me Alice if you want. Or keep calling me meanie lady. Makes no difference to me.” Alice shrugged. “I can give you Sappho’s babies with Sappho’s mommy’s permission.”

“Fank 'ou, Awice.”

“Sappho, do you want to have babies? I can make it where you can again.”

Sappho shook her head. “Sappho am otay’ wiff Ewinna habin’ babbehs. Sappho nu hab to be mummah to wub them.”

Alice gave them a nod. “You and Sappho go to the house. Say you’re a friend of Dorothy. The nice mister will give you something to eat and we’ll call Sappho’s momma after I’m done here.”

The two mares left for the house. Alice grabbed a plum and cobalt fixed mare. After scanning her chip, it was discovered she had a kill order on her. She was perfect for Alice’s experiment. “Your old owner wants you died. You’ll live. I rename you Regina.” She gave her a cookie.

Alice moved on to the other mare that wasn’t pregnant. The chip in her showed her daddy wanted her back. “To the house so we can call your daddy to pick you up.”

“Pwease, nu wan’ to go back to daddeh. Daddeh gib owwies fo’ nu weason. Daddeh says fwuffy hab owies to fwuffie 'cos daddeh wobes fwuffie bewy muchies. Fwuffy…” The fluffy started crying.

Alice tilted her head. “Weren’t you listening? I told you already I don’t care. Your owner wants you back, he’s getting you back. You can tell me all the horrible thing he has done to you and I still wouldn’t care. I’m giving you back to him.” She picked up the crying fluffy. “You’re lucky I have immunity to the chemicals in your tears. Otherwise, I’d be hurting you right now.” She got up and walked over to a box. She dropped the mare in there and closed the lid leaving the screaming mare in darkness.

Alice picked up a puke green mare with safety orange spots. She scanned her and came up with nothing. The mare was unchipped. “Who is your special friend?”

The mare squeaked in fear. “Smawty am speshuw fwend.”

Alice felt her stomach. The foals weren’t moving around yet. “Do you love him?”

The mare looked away. "“Nu mattah if wub smawty, wub babbehs. Wan’ to be bestes’ mummah fo’ babbehs.”

Alice thought for a minute. “Would you give up your smarty for your babies?”

“Can hab new speshuw fwend. Nu can hab dis babbehs again. Ebewy babbeh am gud babbeh, aww babbeh bestes’.”

“Would you give up having more babies for this babies?”

The mare was quit for a long time. “Mummah must be bestes’ mummah fo’ tummy babbehs. Mummah wiww nu hab mowe babbehs fo’ tummy babbehs.”

Alice nodded. “Your color combo is bad, but you have a good heart from your answers. I will see if that holds true for you, Ops, after your babies are born.” She put the mare back and moved to a white and cream mare. “Who is your special friend?”

“Dummeh wady wet hewd go.” The mare yelled.

Alice knew what she was going to do with this one. “I’ll give you a cookie if you tell me.”

The mare wasn’t going to pass that up. “Am yewwow toughie speshuw fwend.”

Alice gave the mare a cookie, “That wasn’t so hard was it, Clodia”

Clodia greedly ate the cookie not knowing what effect it would have. Their were products that worked faster, almost immediately, but why cause a panic while she was in the middle of processing them. It was better if the mare miscarriaged after she was back in the house.

Next was the brown toughie’s special friend that Alice named Claudia. She was a solid brown in color. Her chip reading was interesting. It came back from a temporarily closed breeding farm. The farm had been on the News. She was one of the fluffies a former employee released. The ex employee was caught, fired and turned into the police. Dumping unaltered fluffies was a crime. It was treated the same as dumping toxins to drinking water.

They all had kill orders so Alice was free to as she pleased with her and any other fluffy that turn out to be from the farm.

The next mare, named Julia, was a neon green and highlighter yellow eyesore claiming to also be Caesar’s special friend came from the same farm. She, along with Claudia, were given a choice to keep their babies and not see them again once they were born or lose them now and stay with their special friend. Claudia picked her special friend. Julia picked neither. She didn’t want her babies or Caesar. Alice gave them both the cookie.

The next mare was the color of gray water with a white mane and spots. She was farther along than the others. Her foals moved and squirmed. She could have them at any moment. She was from a private breeder. There was no note attached like the others.

“Can Stowmy go wiff babbeh?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Pinkie… Ewinna am Stowmy babbeh.”

“Oh, we’ll have to see what your owner says.”

The mare looked down. “Okay.”

“You don’t want your special friend to go with you.”

“Gween toughie nu am speshuw fwend, just babbeh gibah. Am bad fwuffie. Gib bad babbehs bad speshuw huggies an’ fowebah sweepies.”

Alice pointed at the house. “Go, join your daughter and her special friend.”

Regina told Alice the last mare was Caesar’s special friend. She was a dirty purple color with a pea green mane. She shown to be from the same breeding form was half the remaining mares. She hadn’t said a word. Looking into her mouth Alice knew why.

“How did she bite her tongue off?”

Julia answered. “Nu wan’ to hab speshuw huggies wiff smawty. Stuck tawkin’ thin’ out an’ toughies gabe sowwy hoofies.”

“Okay, do you want to keep your babies?”

The mare shook her head.

Regina tapped Alice. “Wegina hab to fowce nummies down fwiends fwoat.”

Alice got it. “Oh, you want to die.”

The mare nodded. Tears streamed down her face.

“Do you want to take your foals with you?”

The mare stared up at Alice. She thought about it for a very long time before nodding her head. She didn’t want her foals living the same life she did.

Alice got up. “Come out of the cage and wait for me to be done. You’re wish will be granted.”

The mute mare nodded and walked out of the cage. She went over to the table and sat next to it. Her misery would be over soon.

Alice walked into the stallions cage. She picked up the smallest. The young pale yellow and lavender stallion squirmed. “Wet bestes’ babbeh go,” He yelled.

“Your balls or your tongue.”

The stallion stopped. “Wat?”

“I’m either going to ending your bloodline or I’m ending your yelling. Your choice.”

The young fluffy didn’t fully understand the choice he was given. Balls were things for play. He knew what a tongue was. He needed it for talkies. He could live without playing with balls. “Bawws?”

“Wonderful.” Alice carried the fluffy out of the cage to the table. She locked him into the immobilization board. “You’re the first to choose their special lumps to be being taken away.” She put on a fresh pair of gloves.

The young stallion realized what was happening. He tried to fight the restrains. “NU TAKE SPESHUW WUMPS, NO TAKE SPESHUM WUMPS.”

Alice pouted. “Don’t be like that. We made a deal.” She petted his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make you keep our deal.” She opened a bag and took out her surgical tools. She picked up a knife. “This is a quick surgery. It’ll be over before you know it.”

The stallion screamed as he felt the knife cut into his flesh. His world became pain and weird sensations. The pain stop being so bad. He opened his tear fill eye. He saw two odd looking bloody balls held by strings in front of his face.

Alice laughed. “Here they are, Gus, and there they go.” She throw the testicles to her fluffies to eat. She sewn the wound closed and released the traumatized fluffy back into the stallion cage. She changed her gloves. She picked up the yellow toughie. He was chip free. “Do you want a new special friend?”

The yellow toughie wagged his tail. “Wady goin’ to gib toughie new mawe?”

Alice smiled. “Answer the question.”

“Yewwow toughie wan’ nua speshuw fwend.”

Alice gave him a cookie. “After I’m done here, let’s see how many special friends you’ll get, Nicomedes.” Alice moved on to Stormy’s old special friend. He was chipped and from the farm. She didn’t ask him any questions, just gave him the name Marcus and a cookie.

The next fluffy was the brown toughie. She studied him. He was bigger and more muscle toned then the other. He had no chip. “Leg or special friend?”

The brown toughie huff. “Toughie nu am dummeh. Nu take weggies. Nu wub speshuw fwend, can hab new speshuw fwend. Wiww miss hew. Gabe gud poopie enfies.”

Alice nodded. “You are a smart one, Diogenes. Okay take this very special cookie. It’s the most tasty.”

Diogenes ate the cookie. There was no signs yet of them being dangerous. Alice was right. It was the tastiest thing he ever had.

Alice saved Caesar for last. “Now, I’m going to take the muzzle off. You do anything thing unpleasant. Any of you do anything unpleasant.” Alice snapped her fingers.

The hunting friend pounced onto the purple mare. The tore deep into her flesh, pulling out huge chucks and left them on the ground. They didn’t eat her. That wasn’t the point of the show.

One of the hunting friend tore open the mare’s stomach. The others moved back to give the others the full view of what was going to happen. They moved around and removed any organs that were in the way. The hunting friend used their sharp teeth to cut open the mares uterus. Caesar’s still alive premature foals spilled onto the grass. They peeped and squirmed.

Caesar ran to save his kids.

Alice stopped him. “I will save them only if you behave. One wrong twitch I’ll let them died.”

Caesar nodded. He would play her game, for now.

“You can stop what going to happen to your herd. All you have to do is die for them.”

Caesar yelled. Sealing his and his herd’s fate. “Smawty wiww teach dummeh hooman.”

Alice rolled her eyes. “You know, it’s unusual for a Fluttershy fluffy to be aggressive. They are usually pussies.” She gave him a cookie. “Enjoy it.” She left the cage. She moved towards the house.

Caesar ran to the gate. “Dummeh hooman say sabe babbehs.”

Alice kept walking. “I said I’ll save them if you behaved. You didn’t. You choose their fate, Fluttershy Caesar.”

Caesar screamed.