FPP Demo this summer!

Good morrow everyone I have returned with great news! By the end of this summer I will be releasing the first 3d AI powered fluffy game I call fully pummel party! Granted it WILL be VERY buggy dont get me wrong!

I announce this now because I want to keep people hyped and to let yall know I aint just slinging shitrats with my mouth and its nice to keep people updated! That being said if you got any game dev knowledge im always looking for others to help!

For more updates and to hear my rambling about making this game feel free to join the discord! (or dont up to you!)

(Side note they should really let people post videos directly on here.)


If a real Fluffy game comes out I’ll eat my fucking hat.

At this point it’s more likely fluffies will be real.


Bet get your hat ready because im getting a demo out this summer even if it kills me (well its more likely its gonna kill a lot of fluffys)


I gotta ask some things.

First, the main concern for me is why the hugbox tag for a fluffy pummeling game, Lmfao.

Second, if completed do you intend to continue working on future characters? I know making games takes a lot of time, especially with resources.

Third, will there be fatalities or some sort of story or is it going to be like an arcade style brawl? I am assuming the genre will be fighting because of the name.

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As much as I dont like hugbox im not gonna deny that some others like it so you will have the option to play as hugbox taking care of the fluffy raising it making sure it doesnt wander into the oven. Hugbox stuff but thats defiantly how the game aint supposed to be played.

As for the game itself there will be 2 modes.

  1. Sandbox mode were you can spawn in fluffys and take care of them and torture them however you feel like aka rip open their stomachs snap their ribs stomp on them without needing to buy the fluffys or the props in the game
  2. Normal mode where you have to do minigames to earn money to buy your fluffy food, toys, knifes etc so it feels like you are taking care of a fluffy. (Think of joy pony and how that game works so similar to that but 3d with a lot of other features like AI reacting to you)

I suppose the name is misleading because there aint gonna be any fighting (if you wanna call a one way fight punching fluffys then I mean I guess) I just thought of the name like oh I should call it that!

Will you be able to abuse chirpy babies and talkie babies?

ofc if I made a game where you couldn’t abuse them then why make a game at all?

IM SO EXCITED, so sad fluffgen got cancelled im glad to have something to look forward to, it also gives me motivation to do my c++ classes