"Frameing, A Greg story" by Hugboxxer04

this is a fanfiction chapter of a character developed and written by @Kersploosh, and without their creation, I would not have made my first story on the fluffy community

Be Greg

You live by yourself with your almost perfect rainbow dash alicorn, you have named him Monet as it seems right for a fluffy as brilliant as himself.
Monet wasn’t a perfect Rainbow dash due to his horn, as such you have it get shaven done from time to time and yes he cries and it is painful for him you spoil him with everything he wants because not only is he beautiful but the best fluffy in your world.
Recently Monet has been talking about the Mare just over the fence, how she is the “pwittist marr” and wants to have enfes with her. you asked the owner more then once but with every time he shot me down, You don’t know why, they would have fantastic babies.
The owner seems a bit odd, its not my problem and you do apologize when My Monet wonders into a fluff trap he sets.
you promise Monet another appointment with a enfie mare but as soon as you left the house Monet enacted his foolproof plan of getting to the mare

you come back to see your pride and joy your magnificent Monet beaten to a pulp all his legs smashed and his penis ripped off. and the cops were there too You were furious. You demand him to be asserted for the destruction of your property and the cops say if you don’t calm down you’ll be arrested. when Luke shows his security footage to the policeman he asks luke is he wants to press charges against me, FOR WHAT. my fluffy is the one with his life ruined due to his voilent savages. The policeman asks me if he’s a smarty. you would have to pay for any damages and have Monet pillowed or put to sleep. yet the fluffy who brutalized Monet gets off scot-free. “so what if he is” you say to him
“so you do admit it then,” the officer says.
your about to burst a blood vessel as you say “what are you gonna do, arrest me”
the policemen then arrest you for owning a destructive fluffy and disrespecting an officer.
which of course to you sounds like a made-up offense, and that other fluffy, the brutalizer is not destructive is it. they take Monet as evidence and so you have to deal with this police investigation and have Monet pillowed due to that smug bastard next door.

Once the foals are born you begrudgingly try to buy the foals from him even with an exorbitant price but he seems to want to kill and stuff them because their were Monet’s offspring.
You wouldn’t allow it, you have to save these fluffies even if you break into his house.
that night you stealth into his yard. avoiding all the cameras you see you snatch up the incubator and leave. once home you try and let them out but they cry out afraid of you. what did that monster do to them. they look so scared, this isnt normal.

with this, you dash to the nearby fluffy clinic and make up some quick story about finding it in an alley or something, its not what’s important right now. that’s bastard is torturing these babies. the scanner isn’t working so you have to wait for a bit. its only after a few minutes the police show up and cuff me. and he is there he planned this.

he is a monster of the highest caliber and you can’t let him get away with it. you dash forward to grab a polices gun but are shoot in the chest for your trouble. you choke on the cold clinic floor coughing up blood as your last thought goes to Monet and what is next for him.

Be Monet, a recently pillowed fluffy
you wait for daddy to come home but he never does, some other men come and take away your children but leave you. many forevers go by and you have the biggest tummy hurties. you wish for dada to come home but he never does.
A few forevers go by before you pass on due to starvation

please tell me what you think, I’ve been in the community for almost 3 months and I love it here I love @Kersploosh work this was only born out of sadness for a side character nothing against the way or how the story went, I just have a thing for how stories can have perspective. please, any critics are welcome


Nice short in Greg’s view of things until he died , blinded by spoiling his asshole pet, his demise will be forgotten as well as his dumb pet that dies in starvation.

yeah it makes sense from greg point of that he would want to help the foals because Luke is a monster from alot of point of views. Maybe if I feel like it I could write an alt ending for greg, Monet, and his foals with monet doing better as a fluffy.