Franken-Foal: Chapter 1 [Thebitz]

It was the middle of the night, the stars glimmered up above, twinkling like many beautiful gems. In the darkness lurked a man, six foot two yet lanky and skinny, he wore black pants and a generic black hoodie. He had a skittish demeanour about him, jumping at each and every sound as he slunk through alleys. There was no way to put it nicely, he looked sketchy as hell.

His name was Victor McBride and he loved fluffies, perhaps than anything, not in the creepy sex way, rather he loved poking and prodding at them, learning what made them tick, how they worked. Yet despite his brilliance and enthusiasm he had been rejected from the local fluffy research centre. Well, he would show them, he would do something, create something that they couldn’t ignore, to force them to accept him

To do that he needed materials, first came the base, the centre of his creation, while he was taking inspiration from a certsin other Victor, he couldn’t bring the dead to life. What he could do was graft limbs from recently killed fluffies onto one central base, make something new entirely. His first stop was a nearby foal-in-a-can machine.

Pausing to look at the stock, at all the foals sleeping away, only a few awake to give sleepy cries in a attempt to be adopted. His eyes narrowed as he saw the perfect specimen, a silver earthie, tucked back behind a few of the others. Seeing as Victor was currently unemployed he didn’t have much moeny on him, luckily he knew how to get the greatest deals.

A loud crash filled the night as a errant rock broke through the glasd of the machine, granting the would be scientist access. Reaching inside he grabbed his target, swaddling it’s can in a towel to muffle it before placing it into his backpack. It was onto his next target, a local fluffy shelter.

They kept a unlocked biowaste bin out back and that was where Victor would find his first donor. Peeking inside he rummaged through the corpses, he needed one that was fresh but posessed the traits he needed for his masterpiece. That’s when he saw it, a black unicorn colt, judging by the look of it one that died from having it’s horn driven into it’s own head. It didn’t matter, Victor was after it’s noticably large and muscular back legs. Snatching the body and stuffing it it his bag a soft voice could be heard from within, the foal. "D-Dawk S-Scawdies!’

Victor didn’t care, he didn’t see these creatures worthy of his love or even attention, not yet, not until he was done with them. Zipping up his bag he began to make his way to the next shelter when a little voice called out to him from a alleyway, alongside a series of hushed whispers.

“Mistah gib famiwy nummies? Pwease? H-Hab biggesh tummie huwtiws…” This caused the man to pause, turning to find a little family of four hiding in a cardboard box. There was a mare, the one who spoke up, vomit green fluff with a neon orange mane, a dark red stallion with a dark brown mane that was torn in several places but what piqued Victor’s interest was the soft whispering coming frim behind them, two foals.

“You know what? I do have nummies for you cuties, but, i want to see your babbehs first! Just to make sure your taking good care of them, i don’t want to give nummies to any bad fluffies now would i?” That was all it took to get the mare to reluctantly move out of the way, revealing the two whispering foals. They clearly had bad experiences with humans as they quickly shied away from Victor. His eyes scanned over them, a colt and a filly. The filly had exactly what he was looking for, a pair of delicate cutsie front hooves in a soft powder blue colour. The colt was much the same save for he was a red, albiet still in a nice pastel tone.

With a hand too quick for any fluffy to react too (aka mildly fast) he snatched the two babbhes, stuffing them into the side pocket of his bag, ignoring the scared poopies they put out.

“Babbehs?!” The stallion cried out and began to sprint at Victor but was met with a swift kick to the side, causing blood to spill from his mouth. The mare was about to try something similar when she was hoisted up be her tail. “BAD UPSIES!!” She cried out, unleashing a torent of that infamous liquid fluffy shit but failed to mark anyone. A swift punch to her stomach was enough to knock her out as Victor returned to his home.

Victor lived in a crappy basement suite, the only upside was the owners of the building rarely came home, always being out on some trip or another, it allowed him to have his fun with fluffies without having to worey about the noise.

He took the two babbehs from the pocket, placing them into a small box on his work table, ignoring their huuhuu’s as they hugged each other for comfort. Turning around he haphazardly tossed the mare into a makeshit fluffy pen he had, just out of view of the table. Next up was the corpse cplt ehich got slammed onto the table. Finally and with the most delicate touch Victor retrieved the foal in a can, setting it down gently.

“Be nyu daddeh?” The foal asked Victor as he got to work removing it from the can, junking the can in the trash.

“Yes but only if you’re quiet, daddeh needs to work.” The silver foal, which as it turned out to be a filly nodded silently, not only did it posess good colours, it also had good manners, good, Victor liked that. Grabbing some already prepared milk he took his new darling and gently pressed the rubber nipple to their mouth, letting them feed. Of course onside was a sedative, he couldn’t let his masterpiece hate him after this was all done after all.

Once the filly was asleep he set her aside in a nice blush bed. His attention turned to the black colt as he grasped a scalpel from a nearby dish. With a practiced hand from far too much fluffy abuse he severed both hind legs in a nice and delicate fashion, setting them aside. Next up was the feral filly. Originally he planned on taking both her legs but his inner poet couldn’t help but love the idea of using a leg from both siblings. Grasping her tightly he ignored her plee’s for mercy, a quick slice was all it took to take her front leg off. Still, he wanted her alive for a side project so he quickly cauterized the wound with a lighter and another scalpel. The same procedure went with her brother who at rhis point had been reduced to fearful chirps and peeps, the only difference was the leg that was being harvested.

Finally Victor could move to special project, the creature that would make everyone realize just what a genius he truly was! Once again he cut the limbs off, using a steady hand. It was easier and cleaner operating on a unconcious fluff of course so it didn’t take long until he was onto the next step. Using a needle and thread he began to sew each new limb onto his silver filly, before slsthering some Hasbio branded healing gel all over the replacement limbs. The combination of his delicate touch, the healing gel and the natural resiliance (albiet not durabilty) of fluffies gave it a suprising chance of working.

Setting the sleeping monster back onto the heated foal bed Victor looked over to the two peeping siblings in the box. “Hey, Hey, i know that really, really hurt but it was for science, you’ll understand when you’re older!”

The brother managed to gather himself just long enough to speak up. “HATCHU MEANIE MUNSTA MISTA! BABBEHS AW FU WUB AN HUGGIES AN MIWKIES AN PWAY! NU CAN PWAY ANY MOWE!”

“Tsk, tsk, shush yourself my pretty little fluff. That’s no way to speak to your new daddeh! Especially when i was just about to give you names!”

Even the mention of getting names caused both feral foals to quiet up, theur parents had human names afterall and they were the bestest! If they had human names they would be the bestest too! “I’ll name you Alpha.” Victor remarked, booping the filly on the nose. “Aaaaand you, Beta!” He booped the colt in a similar manner.

The pure rush of dopamine and seratonin that hit the two just from getting names was more than enough to distract from any pain, for now anyways. “T-Tank yu nyu daddeh, h-hab nummies now?” Oh these creature, how simple they were the mad scientist thought to himself.

“Not yet! I’m going to make sure you and your sister will mever be seperated! Can never be too sure in these times…” Victor giggled maliciously, a tone which would put even a fluffy on edge. Plucking the two cooing foals from the box he quickly fed them the same sedated milk mix to knock them out. The surgery he was planning would be much more involved and he needed them to not be squealing in pain as he worked.

This surgery was indeed more involved, removing the hind limbs of the side they each had their fore limb removed. Next was fusing their torsos together, in effect making two fluffies into one, admittedly with two heads and each half being controlled seperatley.

He set his new chimeric abomination back into the box, not giving it as much love as his true masterpiece before walking off. He would be back once either of his two projects awoke, the surgery was the easy part, seeing thst they survived afterwards was the hard part.

Author’s note: This story ballooned out of control fast. The original idea was for another Lenore story but then when looking at character inspiration art i came up with the idea of Victor. From their the story got longer and longer as i wanted to do more with it. So i’m going to be splitting up the story for my own sake. Not so much as a series as i plan with Desert Fluffs, more a story seperated out so i don’t lose my mind.



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I think this guy’s been reading up on Josef Mengele a liiiiiiittle too much.

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Very fun and I loved seeing a longer piece from you. I had a similar idea of cronenburg fluffies.


This is actually good. I hope you delve more into the body horror parts. I want eldritch abominations with protruding mismatched limbs and organs.


This story is going to be focusing on these three (two?) Foals for now but i plan on using Victor for some stories getting into weirder and weirder body horror stuff.

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