This will be a thread where people can share ideas that they either don’t have the talent or the time to tackle.
No credit is necessary for ideas that are shared in this thread, but I imagine people would be pleased if they were credited anyway.
I’ll start with a concept for a medical sadbox story.
Tasmanian devils have a sexually transmitted form of cancer that plagues their species. If you go looking up pictures of the condition they’re not pretty, so consider yourself warned.
I imagine there might be a similar condition among fluffies.
For extra points you might even have the fluffy contract the disease from another species.
-People and a couple of fluffies stuck on an island after plane crash, people and fluffies survive for years by breeding and eating the fluffies children/grandchildren.
-pov: fluffy in a carrier traveling in a plane.
-farmer hires feral fluffy herd to work on his farm like the stories he read on the interwebs, they end up wrecking the farm because they’re greedy assholes who want the nummies now and don’t want to do dummeh workies.
-feral herd has trials for weaned foals to go through to find their worth to the herd.
-poopie babbeh befriends a bear and uses him to steal milk from his mummah and later becomes king of the herd.
-pov: you’re a foal specifically bred and raised to be an enfie babbeh, and you have a nyu daddeh!
Manifest Destiny to Rumored New Skettiland (Wierdbox/Sadbox): A herd of fluffies head out west in search of a rumor that a new Skettiland has been built. On the way to New Skettiland, the herd has to overcome challenges along the way.
Severely injured fluffy pleading with a stray dog to take care of her foal.
A fluffy at the counter of a fast food place with a small pile of coins and coin shaped things they have collected, begging the cashier for food.
A fluffy with a super cut up mouth because she made a nest out of fiberglass insulation so her babies would survive the winter.
A fluffy being force fed condoms full of cocaine, then later being terrified so it shits them out.
A raccoon eating out of a garbage can while a fluffy watches. The fluffy tries to get close, but the raccoon slaps her, and she goes back to where she was and cries.
Weird shit:
A fluffy tries to make friends with a police horse. The police officer gets back, and unceremoniously maces the fluffy.
A full sized fluffy is stuffed into a hamster cage. Out of frame, someone insists it is a micro fluffy because that’s what the cashier told him he was buying.
A fluffy going door to door excitedly trying to sell Amway.
A berserk brown fluffy covered in the blood of a fluffy he just killed saying something like, “Am I a pretty color now?!”
An owner trying to make amends for causing a miscarriage, maybe due to hitting the car alarm or turning on the TV without realizing the speakers were all the way up, by giving her Micros. But without gaslighting, she knows they are adult small Fluffies and they know she isn’t their mother.
Winning the contract from Hasbio, Amazon Life leads the charge on developing special packages to deliver fluffies to customers all over the world. How are they able to do the seemingly impossible task?
In the City of Bumtown, the people have elected a fluffy as Mayor. What will this fluffy do in the next 24 hours as the Mayor of Bumtown?
A fluffy wished upon a star, but it’s a meteorite, and it crashed on top of the fluffy.
A pregnant mare has some of her foals treated in-vitro to cause some to have a very high and others a very low body temperature. This is part of a research program to test if the body temperature adjusts color or temperament.
Otherwise the family gets to live semi normally, but the treated foals all act in ways that confound the parents (hot foals would avoid hugs, cold foals would be desperate for contact/clingy).
General lots of low level stress because none of the fluffies understand what is happening and the humans only monitor them.
Kinda low grade industrial sadbox.
“Blue” is a stallion task with removing babies and putting them in an incubator. He also has to keep the mothers away from them, leaving him socially isolated and stressed.
The ‘owner’ is a breeder that sorts foals, but uses Blue as a ‘hate sink’ so the mothers don’t view him as a monster - Blue has to suffer all that.
Looser is a young foal who ‘looses’ something on his “birthday” - currently he has lost 3 legs and both eyes. He lives on a small table of rough wood table he drags himself over looking for a litter box (there is none), to avoid punishment (he’s used to wipe up his own waste like a rag). He’s also fed a bland, ‘paste’ for food.
His owner is planning to plug his nose on his next ‘birthday’ (ie whenever the owner feels like, the fluffy has no idea how old it is). Once it looses it’s sense of smell it will realize it can no longer tell the difference between the food paste and it’s own shit.
This idea is inspired by the Grey stories.
Rocky is (was) a smarty that was given an experimental treatment - a chip implanted into it’s neck that associates the concept of being ‘smart’ with … a vague memory/fear of being trapped in the dark.
He is used to display how effective the treatment is, but any time it hears/thinks of the word ‘smart’ or ‘smarty’ he spaces out for a second, but mentally is trapped in a dark nightmare without a sense of time. It’s too short for humans to notice, but it’s a living hell for the fluffy.
All he can do is desperately try to NOT think.
The parrot sketch from Monty python but a fluffy daycare.
A few shorts of fluffies terminating themselves due to coming into contact with a neck-beard.
A smarty realizing it’s stuck always doing something stupid to get it’s family/herd murdered and it knows what is does is wrong but it’s incapable of not being a sterotypical Smarty.
“This fluffy wouldn’t VOOM if I put 6,000 volts through it!
Bereft of life it rests in peace!
If you hadn’t nailed him to the floor he’d be pushing up the daisies! THIS! is an EX! FLUFFY!”