Fried eggs | Flaffy Lab (qememe)

1 New dad?
2 screeeeeee no

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I hope you don’t take offense, but how old are you? We’ve had a bunch of children joining lately and I can’t help wanting to be careful. We’re only open to ages 13 and older, so if you aren’t, well… (brandishes banhammer)

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No I’m 15 years old
I’m just writing through a translator

Well, sorry to break it to you kid, but I lied. We’re 18+. Go on, get out.



I hope he finds the fluffy VK community. They’re 14+ and he wouldn’t need to use a translator.

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I hope he doesn’t, I hope he gets away from this schizo-ass community and has a normal childhood so he doesn’t end up like the rest of us. Are you insane or retarded or both?


Yet you’re open to inviting him back once he reaches a biologically arbitrary age where his brain will still not be close to done developing. lol

I started looking at fucked up shit when I was 8. Didn’t scar me. But maybe there was never anything to scar in the first place. ;p

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What part of “get out?” implies I invited them back? And furthermore, once they’re legally adults, they can come back if they want. It’s not my job to police what legal adults do on the internet. If you don’t like the fact that 18 is the age of majority, take it up with civilized society and/or the government. I’m not here to change the status quo, I’m here to keep dumbass kids off this website.

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You didn’t permaban him. That’s saying he can come back eventually, at a time where he is only a slightly older dumbass kid.

I’ve been a part of movements doing that for a while, trust me. Children should not be legally considered adults anywhere.

…are you fucking retarded? No, seriously, genuine question. Do you have a doctor’s note?

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You’re the retard for thinking law > biology. I’m only barely in my 20s and I still won’t date teenagers no matter if they’re “legal” or not because I think that’s creepy.

Some fucked up countries have even younger ages of majority. Yet I haven’t seen anyone defending that insanity.

Hell, in the US, you still can’t drink alcohol until age 21 because it can negatively affect brain development.

Jesus Christ you are actually fucking stupid lmao. I’m so glad I’m not you.

Alright, here’s my last attempt at explaining this to your dumb ass. Our rules state 18+. Once they’re 18, they’re no longer violating a rule and can come back. Do you want me to start banning people for no reason? If so, by all means, I’ll take you first.

This isn’t your first time proving yourself mentally incapable of anything beyond third grade reasoning but this may be your worst.

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You’re the dumbass and I’m not going to refrain from saying that just because you’re a mod.

I think it’s fucking hypocritical of you to claim “oh I’m protecting the children’s innocence” but then go around and go “oh but legal = totally okay”. At least say it’s because you just don’t want that to be used as justification for assholes raiding us or something.

Says the one waving around a strawman and trying to intimidate me with his position of power, no matter how lowly it is of one.

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Have you seen the amount of creepy people around here? I wouldn’t trust half the motherfuckers commenting on my stories around children in real life and I wouldn’t trust them around online minors either.

This place would be prime grooming territory, I’m just saying it. And you know what? It takes one bad pedophile apple to spoil the whole bunch and get your website shut down and feds knocking on your door.

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and I’m not going to refrain from saying that just because you’re a mod

Watch out guys, we’ve got a bad-ass overhere.

“oh I’m protecting the children’s innocence” but then go around and go “oh but legal = totally okay”

Yeah, because rules say “under 18 - fuck off” and that’s all we do. Follow the rules. You’re the fucking retard that’s trying REALLY HARD to ascribe some sort of higher moral ground to all of it. By your logic, if we’re to “save the kids”, you should get booted from this place for your own safety.


Its obviously not an answer to everything but it can help someone thats generally reguarded as not mature enough to get a chance to grow a bit before they dive into shit like this

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That’s another reason why the age of majority needs to be raised. It’s currently legal for 18-19 year old teens to be groomed.

I suggest we start by raising the minimum age for Pushka to be on this website to 31.

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I’m not a kid anymore, hence why I don’t date them because I’m not a fucking ephebophile.