Be sure to check out.
This is a follow up to that. The only question I have at this point is… Who let the dogs out?
Bitch mare’s getting their shit kicked in is alway’s such an amazing sight!
I love how the dogs prioritized tearing the fluffie apart and then running away, the hatred of fluffies momentarily disables the survival instinct.
I think they just see her and the foals as chew toys. They’re bright colorful and squeak. Hundreds of years of selective evolution and breeding to “go get it” fluffies don’t have a snowballs chance in hell.
There’s something so delightfully cruel that mum’s natural instinct is to buck her foals off her back to give her that slightest advantage of survival.
Granted it didn’t work because she’s a Fluffy with the survival skills of a piece of tofu, but she played Buckaroo without any fucking hesitation
Looked to me that they just fell off of her back in her panic. No bucking motions made and she yelled that she was gonna save them beforehand
Well at least she tried saving her babbehs. Other mummahs would have used them as a diversion.
I guess that Mummah of the Year reward is doubly deserved though it’ll have to be posthumously
I have but one question why the evacuation?
@BFM101 I like this interpretation it fits her character. She’s selfish enough to do it and go back on her word.
@toofymunstah Thats what I had in mind originally when I did the pencils for the line art.
Extreme incompetence, and lack of confidence. Their first day on the job and someone pulled a Mr. Burns. They ain’t sticking around for that. Also I wanted a fun 2 page build up.
I bet Cinnamummah has won that award in past too. Or at least runner up. I can see Devin looking at the trophy and getting nostalgic about her past achievement. While she really couldn’t care less.
Okay, so that’s one Down There, two Up There, and one still unaccounted for. Pretty good mix, all things considered.
Something about Cinnamummah in your art style is…very unnerving
I loves it
To be fair, there are animals that will actually do something similar. Granted they’ve been on this planet as species long enough that it’s considered a survival instinct, fluffies haven’t even been around a fraction of that time and whether they’d do this or not is basically up to a coin flip.
Thank you very much! I’ve been drawing characters from the stories I dig for fun recently.
And like Fluffies these species are usually marsupials (so perpetually pregnant-) or the kind that birth litters in short amounts of time so they can afford to take the loss.
“oh well that sucks but if I make it out I can have kids again by next month.”