FSA Reliable Products: “Big Nature” Fluffy Trap now available! :: (Cuddily Bloodily)

If you’re in the market for a new trap…


It could also be made of weak metal, since fluffies are so fragile, that way other animals won’t get hurt from it.


Nice but I’m kinda primitive I cant abandoned my snare traps


Paper mache / cardboard trap.

Set and forget because its gone when its wet.


One idea: instead of a spring, the trap has an electronic, fail-safe mechanism, whereby if it detects a fluffy or foal, it uses powerful actuators to close the trap, taking the fluffy’s head clean off in a spray of blood, bone and brains that’s hilarious for the whole family.


The best part about this is the scenery and art style make it look like the image was taken straight out of a children’s book.

Cutesy adorable style. Dark traumatizing themes :joy:


i love the look of your fluffies, Cuddly!


Thank you! I feel like I’m still finding my groove

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Yes but the way you color and the style of your art is all your own! I definitely look at your work for inspiration trying to create my own style.

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I prefer live traps.


One glue trap coming right up.

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A little bit liver than that.

I mean…they’re still live just unable to move and utterly miserable.

Then again, it occurs to me that they would be more edible if they were trapped in a comfy space with food and toysies and a warm bed, for later extraction. Hm.

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Yeah, but the glue fucks them up pretty bad.

Best case, you have to unstick them with oil, and then deal with an oily, gluey, fluffy. You’ll probably end up having to shave it. And, like I said, that is best case. More realistically, they will freak the fuck out and struggle, getting more stuck and probably tearing some skin. I’ve seen mice literally rip their paws off trying to get out of glue traps. And I don’t think a fluffy possesses the survival instincts of a mouse.

I’ve written up the more humane live trap here: Ask FluffiesAreFood, Volume 3 #1

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I didnt register that as spaghetti at first i thought it was a land mine