Fun Sleepaway Camp Pt 1 (Ace)

Sequel to Fun Backyard Sleepover

“Honey, the Meanie Monster isn’t real. I’ve told you that already. What happened to your friends was a freak weather accident.” Sandra told her fluffy, Dot. The purple & yellow mare trembled in her carseat, watching scenery pass by. On their way to a summer camp just for fluffies. Events from just only a month prior were still quite heavy on her mind.

“Mummah! Fwends was am ‘aw ebbywere!” Obviously a fluffy wasn’t very smart but a freak weather accident? Every other fluffy at her slumber party had been turned into a pile of guts or had their no-no stick torn off! Sandra waggled an index finger at her mare.

“Listen to me, young lady! I told you not to have boys at your party in the first place, so I’m not going to listen to your fibs about monsters!” Dot gave a small ‘huu’. That was true. She wasn’t supposed to have any stallions over but in her defense they had kind of just gotten in through a fence slat.

Pulling up to the camp, Dot got a good look at where she’d be staying. Rickety old cabins, a mess hall that looked as if it’d collapse at any moment, old outhouses (not that they’d be using them). A summer camp for fluffies wouldn’t exactly be one of luxury now would it? It was at least surrounded by trees. “Dot, you’ll like it here. There’s a lot of activities for all of you little cuties. But if I hear you have boys over in your cabin, I’m going to come right back here and spank you.”

Dot didn’t want spankies and she didn’t particularly even want to be around stallions. Not after what had happened. “O-Otay.” She got whimpered out as mummah got out of the minivan and went to unbuckle the mare and let her out. There were lots of other fluffies already playing around. Even babbehs! Seeing as she was a mare and really loved babbehs, she scampered over to a group of mummahs and immediately began playing with them.

Going over to the group of human counselors who were being underpaid to run this whole shindig for fluffies, Sanda took them to the side for a moment.

“Listen, my little darling is incredibly scared of this imaginary thing called the ‘Meanie Monster’. There was a freak weather storm at my house which sadly took the lives of four of her friends.” This was all said with the tone of voice which conveyed she believed 100% of what she said.

“Ma’m…” One of the counselors began. A young lady with sandy blonde hair and freckled skin, wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt with the camp logo on it. “The Meanie Monster is real.”

A guy with skin heavily tanned from working the job, short black hair, and a similar outfit to his partner nodded. “Janet’s right. We actually had an incident a few weeks back where he killed all of our campers…it was in the newsletter?” He added, as if anyone read those.

Sandra looked immediately concerned! “Oh my God! Have you improved security precautions since then!?”

Janet nodded. “Oh, yes ma’m! You now have to sign into the guestbook to be on the grounds.”


“Hewwo Dot! Name am Tuwip!” A fat butterscotch hued mare chirruped at her new friend after they’d made introductions. Chirpies with their eyes open clung to the fur on Tulip’s back, looking to Dot with innocent curiosity.

“Am Cwawet.” Grumbled a deep red mare with tufts of softer reds making out her mane and tail. She had a spiky collar so Dot knew she was bad news. Possibly said no-no words and made poopies on the floor.

“Pfft!” A fat orange mare blew a raspberry, eyes crossing. She wore a drool covered bib that said ‘I’m sensitive!’ on it and generally didn’t seem to belong in this group.

Well that was about it for the girl’s cabin. What, you expected a fluffy summer camp to be a profitable idea with lots of interested parties? Think again dumbass. The owner of the camp is an alcoholic who makes nothing BUT failed business decisions.

“Wan pway on funsie phone?” Tulip asked, plopping an ACTUAL phone down beside Dot. She gasped. Of course it’d been locked so she couldn’t make actual purchases or phone calls, just browse the Internet, but wow! This was so seriously cool that her worries were gone for just a moment.

Plopping down on her bottom and poking at the screen, she was in hopes of making it to a video site. Maybe Captain Flufftastic would be on there. She thought he was handsome and also, superpowered which went a long way. Dot didn’t make it to a video site. Instead she found herself on a news site and since she couldn’t read it wouldn’t do much good. Something caught her eye…

It was an ad of a big scary black figure with red eyes and claws. There were words there, and with chattering teeth she pressed the little box that would have a voice read the words out to her.



Dot kicked the phone away with a screech and got down to the ground. Shivering and shaking. “Nuu-huu-huu! EEEEEEE!”

Looking over to the mare who was freaking out, Claret just gave a shake of her head. “Meanie Munstah nu am weaw! Am omwy stowy tu scawe wittew babbehs!”

There were only two stallions who’d been assigned to the boys cabin and they both wandered over to see what all the commotion was.

“Hewwwwwoooooooooo pwetty mawes!” Announced a green & blue stallion who was wearing a Backyard Explorer Kit on his back. The canteen attached to the side jangled a bit with every step.

“Name am Cosmo! An dat am Way!” Lifting up a hoof, the other stallion who was blue & white gave a wave along with a careless grin.

Dot looked to both of them. This seemed awfully familiar. She couldn’t quite place why. Hmm.

“Dot an Tuwip an Cwawet an…” She didn’t know the name of the drooling orange mare and nobody seemed to care. Before that question could be answered, Janet the counselor wandered over to them.

Clapping, Janet gave each of the mares a smile. “Okay, happy campers! It’s sleepy night-night time!”

Claret gave a stomp at the ground and flared her nostrils. “Dewe suuuu many bwighties! It nu am sweepy time!”


It might have been noon but they were shepherded over to the cabin they’d be staying in. The pamphlet had been full of lots of activities and the photos had looked nicer than this…the cabin was leaking a mysterious black fluid from up above, it was dreadfully hot, and what toys for fluffies had been allotted were all broken to pieces. Also? There were chalk outlines everywhere. One on the floor, two each on the wall which looked like the fit together like a puzzle, even one up on the ceiling. Each had a dark stain blotting the center.

“Uhmm…what am dis?” Dot asked with curiosity as she pointed a hoof to an obviously fluffy shaped outline.

Giving a wave of her hand, Janet just smiled. “Arts and crafts!”

“An dis?” Tulip asked as her babbehs fussed, pulling out a crudely made crayon drawing of a black shadow figure with red eyes and claws menacing a bunch of differently colored dots.

“Listen, we love our arts and crafts here. If you’re going to keep asking me these questions, we’ll be here all day.” Huffing a bit, Janet readied a few small cushion beds and got little pillows out for them. One was indented with the very obvious features of a fluffy face, as if it’d been shoved down on one with great force and held there for awhile. Dot trembled.

“Anyways, I’m going planning to have a full day of drinking wine coolers and getting fingerbanged in the woods. If you little freaks don’t leave the cabin, everything SHOULD be fine.” Reaching toward a bag of kibble set near the door, she poured out the dry food with a flood of rattling on the ground. No bowls or anything. After all, the fluffies were living a rustic lifestyle at the moment. With that she opened the screen door and left the fluffies all on their lonesome. Nothing but the bare essentials to survive. A moment passed. Dot nervously twiddled his hooves together.

“Dis am dummeh pwace.” Claret announced, loudly farting to state her true displeasure in the place. “Am goin’ tu see boys ‘n make wicky-kissies.”

Running toward the door, Dot shook her head. “Nuu-huu! Pwease! Nu boys ‘o Meanie Munstah am come ‘an EAT YEW!”


While Claret was trying to explain that Meanie Munstah wasn’t real, heavy boots trudged along the forested area outside the clearing where the camp was contained. Breathing heavily like a pervert and sweating profusely under a black raincoat, the figure continued on their way.

The camp counselors were already deep in the woods. The Munstah had passed them on the way here. They were so immersed talking about all the fingerbanging they’d be doing that they never noticed him walk by, shoulders slumped and Cinnamummah party mask focused down on the ground.

He was in the camp now. Noticed a sign.


Well, this was a conundrum. The Meanie Monster was someone who had strong convictions. Shuffling over to the administration building, he knocked on the door. Waited several moments. Opening up, he located the guest book and signed in. Meanie Monster, the ‘i’ dotted with a fluffy skull.

There were fluffies here. Bad fluffies. He just knew it. Standing on the porch to the administration building, he watched Claret pop out of the girl’s cabin and flit on over to where the stallions were.

It was almost time to get to work once more. Camp Lurkmore would find it’s reckoning once again.


Bwaaahaha! Dot is going to be in a fluffo ward by the time this is done.


Either in a Wan Die loop or PTSD derping herself after the trauma im guessing


(post deleted by author)

Being the Final Girl in a slasher flick isn’t supposed to be fun.


Yeah they either live with the trauma, suicide, rendered catatonic or go mad or become the thing they feared
Also kinda whish you did more with those garden service fluffies especially after the brat foal ate the chilli :hot_pepper:


“Dis am dummeh pwace.” Claret announced, loudly farting to state her true displeasure in the place. “Am goin’ tu see boys ‘n make wicky-kissies.”

Love it, love these characters


YESS, The return of the Fluffy Slasher genre lmao


At least he signed into the guestbook. He’s a munstah, not a monster.


Imagine Dot does not get hurt again but at the end of this she gets so traumatized that she doesn’t want to go anywhere anymore. She just want to stay in her housie forever.


As long as Harvey Weinstein is kept away and we don’t get the Meanie Munstuh in Space, we’re golden.


I just realized that was a Friday the 13th joke lol…but also Meanie Munstah in Hell (that possession stuff was trippy)


Fun Fact: That was never meant to be a Friday the 13th movie. The production company bought a script to sit on it, then reworked it to be about Jason Voorhees when originally it was just an unrelated demon.


That is fairly interesting ngl they just say F it lets makr it about Jason

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The Munstah is coming :money_mouth_face:

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