Fwuffee & Mutagen (Artists: Fwuffee & Mutagen) (Fluffybooru id: 33756)


Some context: The artists Mutagen & Fwuffee actually met and developed a relationship IRL. Both of them met through the fluffy pony fandom and, after a while, got together, and settled down. These pics here thus reflect this relationship which blossomed in the fandom.

In the first pic, the grey fluffy on the left is Mutagen’s own self-insert, while the brown fluffy on the right is Fwuffee’s. The “spaghetti” they are eating from is actually another Fluffybooru member (most likely Spaghettidave). Some other fluffybooru members can be seen in the background. This scene should be familiar to anyone who watched “The Lady & the Tramp”

The second pic is a parody of the Good Wife that Fwuffee drew. even though she never watched the show, she felt like it would make for an interesting pic.

There is a third pic involving human depictions of Fwuffee and Mutagen, but since they are too risque they will not be posted or linked here.


This pic was uploaded as I did a tribute to both artists, and their romance, in the first Sam Adams Gaiden, which will be uploaded soon.


Ah, Lady and the Tramp, where two Italian dudes cook a pasta dinner for dogs in the hopes they fuck.


For reference as to who all is depicted in the first image aside from Muta and Fwuffee, you’ve got Spaghetti Dave as you were correct, you’ve got his wife SkettiWifu’s fluffy in the immediate background, off on the left is Mr. Jingles self-character, Menthols self-character, Aichis self-character Noodles, and My self character.


Wow, welcome back!

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Feels like visiting the ghetto that I grew up in, from time to time. I like seeing where the community has gone.


Image updated with the guud fwen moved to its own spot in the archive: https://fluffy-community.com/t/the-guud-fwen-artist-fwuffee-fluffybooru-id-30127/15424/2

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Everybody, please remain calm with Mutagens reintroduction to the community. He has drawtism.


Now I’m curious.

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@Thk Here you go - https://fluffy-community.com/t/circle-jerk-artist-fwuffee-fluffybooru-id-42123/9632


Are they still together?


wow! who would guess that someone can find a love partner in a fandom full of fluffies, poops, fluff killing, poops, fluff abuse, poops, some of them even go far to make NSFW images of fluffies, poops, and more.

…did i mention about the poop part?

nah! just kidding, i wish both of them have a great future with each other.

I gotta know too

That’d be crazy

They are. In fact, they just got married recently.



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