Fwuffy Fawm I: By Stwumpo

Aww fwuffies hab is toiw. Aww fwuffies can du is wowk tiww fowebba sweepies. Nu pway. Nu waffs. Nu huggies ow wub. Meanie fawmew not-daddeh awways gif big huwties tu fwuffies hu wook happy. He say dat aww fwuffies nee tu wowk ow nu get tu wibe nu mow! Dat make ebby fwuffy suuuuuu scawedies and suuuu saddies. Nebba ebba? Dat am wowstest fing in whowe wowd!

Been wike dis fow as many bwite tiems as any fwuffies wemembew. Fwuffies nu haf tu wun way fwum as many munstahs nao, but nu hab nuff nummies! And nu awwowed shawe nummies wif hungwy fwends if fwends nu wowk! Dummeh hoomin caww dem “Yooswiss eatews.” Nu knu wat dat mean but nu sound pwetty tu fwaffy…

Fwuffies haf tu awways be tiwed. Puww dummeh nu fun pwow toysies aww mownin’ an wen dun, daddeh onwy gif wittwe wawa! An den dwy kibbwe! Nu eben gif wawa aftew kibbwe cuz “ou dummeh fwuffies hab tuu much” but dat nu twue! Aww fwuffies nee wawa fow make gud dwinkies, an fwuffy moufy pwace su dwy…

Huuuuuu dwied up kibbwe gif scwatchies tu inside ub mouf…suuuu huwties huhuhu…

Taste booboo joosey…

Fwuffies am aww hungwy and hab wowstest tummeh huwties. Nee mow nummies, bu nu awwowed hab gwassy nummies ow pwetty yewwow nummies ow wed baww nummies ow nuffin! Bestest fwend was tuu scawedies an nu wan sweep fowebba su nummed pwetty mushie nummies. Meanie hoomin seed him an twowed him ovew big taww fencie whewe bawky munstahs wib.

Bawky munstahs awways hab wotsa nummies. Huuuu nu unnastan why meanie bawky munstahs hafta make fwend tu nummies…

Miss fwend…

Udda fwuffies hab been tawkin. Fink dat mebbe we nu need dummeh fawmew. Hewd knu whewe nummie seeds awe, hewd diggy howes, hewd pwant da nummies. It nu am hawd, dummeh hoomin am just tuu wazy.

But if fwuffies nu wewe gibbin aww nummies tu meanie hoomin, fwuffies nu hafta pwant su much nummies. Fwuffies could hab pway and be happies aww time. Fwuffies could wowk fow fwuffies, make pwetty nesty fow hewd. Babbehs wiww hab enuff miwkies fow nu gu fowebba sweepies…

Mummahs nu hafta num…num…

Fwuffy hafta du sumthin. Fwuffy hafta twy.