Garden Trespassers (InfraredTurbine) Part 01

It’s kinda the lines. Her right front looks twisted around because of them.

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The tiny blue one is so cute I wanna punch it


then You’ll throw punches to your computer to what I’m planing to finish this week
also check my last work called Micro fluffies, a lot of mini of these there


That would have been awesome! I love fluffy naivety like that. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thanks man, I’m also a huge fan of your stories


I always imagined any trap strong enough to break a regular animals leg bone would just cut a fluffies off clean


Part 01

I already like where this is heading

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it got on the hoove
also maybe the man adapted the trap so it would just clang into its feet and not cut it

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Takes em to a special room to play a game-hello let’s play a game

Hope to this continuation soon :+1:

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Nu! Spare Splorins!

You know, maybe part of the reason that I find the abuse of garden destroyers so ridiculous is because I don’t exactly get gardening. Growing food is amusing, but feels like a bit if a waste of time unless its for fun and if that is the case they should have protected their shit better.

I fucking DETEST flowers due lifelong allergies, the exceptions being vine/tree flowers like lavender or weeds like dandelions.

So the only thing they could eat in my yard would be grass. Which would just save me time and effort.

Feels to me like killing a Fluffy who brings you money.

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Oh boy a splorin babbeh

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I actually have a nice plan for it, but gonna continue it other time


Cool! You seem to be quite busy with commission work too, which is great :slight_smile:


Oh I have some ongoing, but actually this story I plan to finish one day in lineart, it will be cool, but still not what I want. Once I set it up I’ll finish it :slight_smile:


No “nicest mistew” will give you all a lot of pain.

Pain grimace giving me sour vibes.

So of course my brain imagined a chain chomp but as a lemon with a mouth full of salt teeth instead.

Naturally my brain pictured it in the Carnivorous Duck style. ~Chuckle~

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Looks kinda normal but kinda malnourished

I can’t wait

it’s already finished tbh

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