Ah, the exquisite cruelty of abusing their innocence…
Absolutely devilish. I love it.
Looks like 20 characters is the maximum length for tags.
Yeah. I discovered that last night I should probably clean it up a bit
Just so you know, we also aren’t doing artist names in tags, either.
Can you imagine if every single fluffy artist had their own tag on a list you had to scrooooooooolllll through to finally find yours?
Instead we’re using the reddit-style “Artist names in the title” and relying on the search engine.
I was gonna say “But what if you want to filter by a creator?”
Well then you click on their profile. Duh.
Okay will do, thanks for the heads up!
Yeah, I’m looking for a way to create custom buttons that will send a person to
EDIT: Good News! I just found a way to add a Portfolio to every user’s “User Card”
(the thing you see when you click on a user’s name)
Second EDIT: I’m not sure why, but it seems to be because I’ve replied to your comment twice already , I keep getting multiple notifications about this post, even though you haven’t edited it.
I’m going to be editing my replies to try and alleviate the issue.
This is truly an amazing way to mentally fuck with these rats.
I heard crying you little bitch! Say goodbye to your leggies!
- blindfolds fluffy and pokes each leg and leave it crying for its leggies back
I wanna break this guy’s arms and legs. Repeatedly.
I feel like this fandom my profile may not be for you. There’s a lot of things I post that seems to anger you
O dam shits gonna go down
this might be my favorite comic.
I should do a sequel
You wont. I dare you-- NO, double dog dare ya… please?
I’ve actually wanted to, but I can’t think of a way to twist the knife any further. Bubblegum’s life sucks
I can empathize. This is pretty perfect as far as cuteness, gaslighting, negligence is wrapped up.