Gathering up your suggestions/requests.

I like it here. It seems to have cleaned up very nicely and is still pretty active to boot!

Fair few of you commented on my coming-back post, and I will be taking a small few of the suggestions in there to do on the next pics with that unnamed fluffy, but I want a little area where y’all can vomit up general requests and/or suggestions at me completely unrelated to that pic as well.


  1. Not interested in doing “fanart” or “tributes” to other people’s characters. At all.
  2. More likely to do something if the prompt doesn’t include what fluffy to do it to, but you can request any of my fluffies if you wish
  3. I will not be doing every request, nor responding to every request, nor detailing why I may skip over a request, nooooor doing requests in order
  4. I draw mainly, but I’m open to writing too. I’ve never written fluffy stories but I’ve done a fair amount of chapter stories otherwise (mostly romance or torture porn)
  5. Abuse, sadbox, etc are my forte, but I do dabble in hugbox too

That’s it, kiss kiss, can’t wait to make more gross depraved shit for y’all to gobble up
Hope this thread is within the acceptable…contents idk I’m still getting re-oriented!


Perma-dancies. Possibly with pointe shoes and tutus fused to their bodies.



Sensitive babbeh abuse.


I’d love some industrial abuse, fluffies as tools or lab rats or something.


A nerd recreates Star Wars using fluffies or micro fluffies with a pudgy SBS foal as his Jabba the Hutt complete with a next that resembles a replica of Jabba’s palace. The human would then punish any smarty offender via shaving them bald, prod with needles so theyre too feeble to support their weight and swell their eyelids and tongue closed with poison ivy oil making them look like chirpies before feeding em to Rancor, aka his pet Pixie Frog.

“Hohoho Noah wompa dijonta doe grancha um jimupo Jabba the Fluffa”

  • from Huttese translates to “Hohoho no one disrespects the great and powerful Jabba the Fluff.”

This may be an odd idea for a request but wanted to add a bit of nerdiness into an Abuse + Hugbox mixed story. Punishing a Smarty whilst loving other fluffies or micros

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Unfortunately I have not seen Starwars, but I could tots do something like that with a different franchise like MLP or something.

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What other franchises have you seen? I ask cuz ironically i never seen MLP stuff.
I have seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Star Trek and a few others and many monster movies including Cabin in the Woods

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Uuuh, well that’d be quite a list. Nothing you listed in your reply (Except Cabin in the Woods is on my TBW list soon)
I mainly watch cartoons and horror (non-slasher)


Maybe another franchise this idea could fit in could be like X-Men either original series or X-Men 97 with Mojo or other stuff also ironically i cant guess what cartoon franchises you’re referring to but am curious lol

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Haha- not seen X-men either, sorry. :sweat_smile: I was a preppy mean girl through most of school so fantasy, space, super heros, etc weren’t my vibe. I watched shit like Ren & Stimpy, MLP, Ruby Gloom, SU, etc etc
MLP would most likely fit the theme of “forcing fluffies to play the part” the most out of all the things I’ve seen, so I’d probably go with that
Plus they’re already colored horses so it’d be funny to draw the human having spent an atrocious amount of money on designer fluffies only for like RBD to be more like G3 girly pop RBD LOL


Fair enough and MLP sometimes crosses over to other stuff too like Star Wars but i admit i not seen much of the stuff…but maybe also SU too if a Diamond was like Jabba the Hutt lol also i know this is fanart but still it weirdly fits with SBS-ish and fluffies and MLP and sadly not the most cursed thing i seen this week


My /d/orse art would kill on sight compared to that- LOL

I’ll log it in the requests pile~


Oh i seen Dorses…its weird but not that disturbing imo…compared to the nightmare fuel ive seen including and not limited to r34 of Simpsons/Family Guy/Other shows like that. Its weird thats my limit lol

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Not so much


Fluffies shaved and/or skinned to make clothes for humans or pets (including fluffies)


I could get behind making a fluffy fur sweater. Plus, it’s hypoallergenic!

Agreed, Industrial abuse is great, and foal-in-a-can is one of the best forms.


I’m feral for foal in a can, one of my all time favorite fluffy things
(though I eat up any industrial abuse like a starved rat)


Industrial abuse, girly things and horror together say to me… cosmetics testing! Makeup brands can call themselves cruelty-free if it’s not real animals they’re using.

For a more satirical vibe, a makeup tutorial influencer’s long-suffering fluffy used as a product model and living prop. He’d better smile for the camera at ALL times.

Alternatively, Karen and her adorable little nightmare (in her custom Don’t Talk To Me Before My Starbucks visor hat, fluff always dyed the same colour as mummah’s hair) hawking MLM goop together on Facebook Live.

You’re welcome to use/alter any of these - no need to credit. Welcome to the shitshow!


Karen dyes the fluffy herself, so there’s always dye on his muzzle, and his eyes are fucked up. One is completely blind. He always wears a diaper and frilly diaper cover in videos and streams to hide that he’s a boy, not that it matters after the botch job Karen’s ex did on the fluffy’s balls. It’s so bad his bladder just sort of leaks, so he stinks of piss and cheap perfume.

His name is Melanie, after the founder of the MLM.

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