Geisha and her Dancing Fluffies (By Mikahorsie)

Kyoto’s Tea houses has a new Entertainment for their customers… Fluffies taught by Geishas to perform dances for their customers are lucrative business especially since it shows the talent and intelligence of the Fluffies that can be rented for breeding at an exhorbitant prices.

Alicorn Fluffies are the most sought after to be breed especially “Himemenji” the white colored , black maned Alicorn mare…


I actually like this idea. The synched dancie babbehs are adorable, and the dancing mares have tiny kimono. Who doesn’t want tiny kimono?

Himemenji? Princess Avert? Or am I looking up the wrong word?


Muzan about to abuse his demon fluffies

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She’s a Shy Fluffy, always Averting her gaze whenever she is talking to someone. ( The old Mama-san of the Tea House loved that quality and named her) Taught by the Geishas and Maikos on how to dance, be demure and polite. Himemenji is the favorite Fluffies amongst both the Tea House Patrons and the Breeders who rent the Fluffies for their Stallions.


Awww! Sounds like a perfect geisha. I wanted to be one when I was much, much younger, and it’s nice to see them pop up here.

(I’m not a weeb, I swear.)

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This is Himemenji, Her Wings are hidden in the Dress to prevent Fluffies from being scared of her being a MUNSTAH.


Was she one of the dancers in the first image? And is that a butterfly knot on her obi? Ooooh.

I think that’s what the knot is called. There are so many ways to tie those things.

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You know what would be even cuter than fluffy-sized kimono? Foal-sized kimono!


They’re already fragile enough. Anything longer than a hapi, and they’ll die.

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Eh, fair point.

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This is actually a very well thought out idea and would totally make a booming business. After all who doesn’t wanna see a tiny geisha horse?

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