Cool, though rabbits are lagomorphs and not rodents (it’s a common misconception that they are rodents).
I drew this before I dove down the (pun-intended) rabbit-hole of lagomorph anatomy.
Since then I’ve actually eaten a rabbit. Yum!
I say this is all hasbio propaganda. >:(
Considering the behavior of fluffys, I say it’s 99% Human, the only modification being the looks and a genetic retardation modification to keep them at the intelligence level of an 5 year old.
Just listen to fluffys interacting and close your eyes.
Well thats just your headcanon. And gee, if they were 99% human, then I’d have evem more reasons to hugbox them.
You know, I was pondering all the time what people ment by headcanon. I mean a canon is, well a canon, but a head-canon is the canon of canons, isn’t it? And there is only one.
I mean, why does it have the “head” prefix?
There is always only one head that leads the rest.
Everyone having their own head-canon defeats the purpose of “head”. There is no head here, it’s all body, isn’t it?
Just wondering.
Its the canon. that you keep in your head. which is why everyone has their own. compared to hivecanon, which is the one that is generally shared and accepted.
Ah okay so thats what it is, thanks for a non-native speaker the wording is weird, but whatever works i guess