Gift Art for Tia (By: GreaverBlade)

Gift art for @Tia, a pillar of the community who went out of her way to do me a solid.


I was going to say something about a strap on.
so imagine my surprise you already pre empted all of us.
Got an actual laugh out loud from me.


It was a tough choice between green and purple, and purple gave much better contrast.


Tia always struck me as more of a purple kinda gal anyway.

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I’m pretty sure I mentioned my hatred for purple hahahaha

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Loving all the Tia love :sob::sob::sob::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

For real, had no idea. But the purple monster is such a classic.


That’s why i said it ^^
You got a purple poopie place desostroyah !

Also, ribbed for his displeasure, and her amusement.

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Next level up are sharpened studds

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Next level up is battery operated and high torque.

Moar power !

Hm. This is starting to feel like tia is a fluffy predator… and not the sexy alien kind.

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Well I do stil have that xeno fluffy if you prefer to end up like that.

I think she’s several kinds of predator. Dahmer had sex with his victims, murdered them, and ate them. Not necessarily in that order. Tia’s like that, but cuter.

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…Not exactly a flattering comparison.

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Fluffy strap-ons. It truly is a gilded age.

Gilded fluffy strap ons ?
Hope they don’t flake.

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