Contest entry for Octoberthon Marathon Prompt #6
Pinky, named so for her color, woke up feeling like she had slept too long and was having trouble waking up properly. Trying to give herself a good morning stretch she found she couldn’t move and was stuck in a upright sitting position. She was stuck in some kind of contraption, her front leggies strapped down and splayed out with her bottom leggies still free. Over her swollem milky places were two piston powered guillotine blades and in front f her was a box of four assorted half starved brown and alicorn chirpy foals.
-Hewwo bad mummah. Time to pway a game with Gobwin.-
Pinky looked up and Saw Goblin looking at her a few feet away.
-Screeeee! Munstah! Gu way! Weave Pinky an good babbehs awone!.. Whewe am good babbehs!? Whewe am bestest babbeh!? SREEEEEEEE~ (Hgrk!)- He mouth clamping shut as Goblin’s horn lit up.
-Wook ovew thewe, pwetty babbehs awe okay. Fow now.-
Pinky looked to her left and saw her precious good chirpy babbehs and her bestest, a pink unicorn filly sitting in a skillet on an electric griddle.
**-You am a bad bad mummah. You have a bestest babbeh, you no give miwkies to bwown and awicown babbehs and gave them sowwy poopies and foweva sweepies. This am you chance to be a good mummah, give miwkies to these babbehs and you go fwee. But Pinky must do so fast, the mowe miwkies in miwky pwaces the mowe buwnie hewties pwetty babbehs gets and if Pinky wait too wong den Pinky wose miwky pwaces. You time stawt… Now.- **
A digital scale activated under her milky places and the hot plate started to smell like hot metal as the box’s side fell over and the starving foals sluggishly dragged their way to Pinky’s teats. Her foals in the skillet started to chirp wildly in distress as the heat was already starting to become unbearable.
-Bestest NUUUUUUU! Nu give bewnie owwies to bestest babbeh!-
-Then give miwkies to the ugwy babbehs.-
Pinky looked down at the chirpies crawling to her and as they grew closer to her teats she stubbornly kicked them away.
-Nu! Miwkiea am fow good an bestest babbehs! Poopie munstahs go foweva sweepies!-
The metal coils of the hot plate started to glow red and the foals started to shriek in pain followed by a sizzling noise. The poopie foals still crawled to her but she was so distracted by her pretty foals cries she didn’t notice them till two had latched on. The red glow started to lessen but the foals still cried out in agony and when she finally noticed them on her she kicked them away again.
-Pwease nice munstah, wet babbehs an good mummah gu! Babbehs am fow huggie an w~-
-And wuv, yeah. But you don’t wive what you say. Aww babbehs need huggies an wuv but Pinky give shewties to babbehs by not giving miwkies to aww Pinky’s babbehs- He stated loudly over the shrieks and growing sizzling sounds. -Times wunning out.- He smirked at the guillotine blades started to turn red as well.
-SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! MIWKIES PWACES HAF WOSTEST HEWTIEEEEEEEEESS!!- She creamed over the sound and feeling of her flesh being seared shut.
The severed milky places rolled off the scale as the skillet smoked and the shrieks stopped at last. The poopies chirped in distress to Pinky’s screams but still crawled around around lead by their noses to the severed teats and latched on to drink their blood tainted fill.
-Aww, too wate. You am a bad mummah aftew aww.-
“Okay I gotta admit, maybe it was a good idea to let him watch Saw one through twenty two.” Carol mused behind the two way mirror of the safe room next to Earl.
“I’m just glad I remembered to film this. This’ll get me thousands of hits on my Abusetoob channel.”
There was a sudden bright flash of light outside and the air filled the screams of terrified fluffies. Bolting from the saferoom headed to the back yard they stopped when they found Hob curled up in a ball on the kitchen table shivering in pain and fear.
-P-p-p-p-oopie p-p-p-pwace have wostest ow-ow-owwieheeheeheeeesss.-
“What the fuck is going on here?!” Earl shouted throwing his hands up.