Herman opened the door to his hotel room and carried Moss and Flint inside, it taken some convincing to the manager to let him keep the two of them overnight but once he pulled the dithering old grandfather act and talking about how much his granddaughter would love them the manager begrudgingly accepted, providing Herman pays more any damages they cause.
Herman smiled as he locked his door, his granddaughter Olivia was less than 2, she wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a Fluffy. Herman thought he did, but the more he listened to Moss cry in his sleep to whatever nightmare was plaguing him, the more Herman questioned if he could.
Placing the two Fluffies onto a table, Herman quickly opened one of the sock drawers and lay down a layer of old newspaper then fashioned a comfortable old jumper of his into a makeshift bedding. Satisfied that it would do the night, Herman picked up the two stallions and gently placed them into the drawer.
Flint shook a little. “Nice mistah nu put Fwuffies in sowwy-box?”
“What? Oh right, I see it now. No, this isn’t a sorry box, it’s a drawer, I’m gonna leave you in here for tonight so you have a safe place to sleep, but I’m not going to close it, you’ll still have plenty of light and I’ll be just over here on the bed if you need anything.”
Moss shifted in his sleep, shivering as more tears ran down his face, Flint softly lay over his mate and hugged him, the desperate look on his face told Herman that this was a sadly regular occurrence.
“What happened to you both, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Fwint meet Moss wen bov stiww cowts, knyo den dat Fwint wub Moss an Moss wub Fwint. Bu Moss bwudda Chiwwi am biggesh meanie, nu wike dat Fwint am boy Fwuffy. Fwint nu see Moss in wongesh time, hab biggesh heawt-huwties, awmosh wan die. Den Fwint meet Moss udda bwudda Spike, Spike wook fow Chiwwi an Moss, wan Fwint hewp, Find dem bu Chiwwi am wowstesh smawty nyo, gib Moss wowstesh poopie-pwace enfies coz he am ‘stawwion wubba’.”
Herman almost threw up in his mouth, he knew Fluffies could be monstrous but one raping his own brother for being gay was one of the most disgusting things he’d ever heard.
“Christ that is sick. What happened to this Chilli guy, he’s not still breathing is he?”
Flint shook his head. “Spike gib Chiwwi an sissy Taff-ee foweba sweepies. Awmosh gib Moss foweba sweepies tuu. Nu fink he wan tu, jus hab finkie-pwace huwties fwom munstah bwudda Chiwwi.”
“Well at least he can’t hurt you anymore. Though I don’t think that’s much comfort to Moss right now.”
“Speciaw-fwiend hab wowstesh sweepy-time pictas, hab dem fow many fowebas nyo. Fwint twy tu gib huggies bu huggies nu am enuff tu hewp speciaw-fwiend.”
“He’s gone through a lot Flint, he needs time to heal, maybe a lot of time. We humans have a word for this called ‘trauma’, it’s when your head and your heart hurt so badly that you do mean things without even meaning to and it can take a very long time for those hurts to go away, if they even go away at all. Sometimes it’s about learning to live with the trauma, about not letting it take over you so you can still live a happy life, other times people never move on, they let the trauma poison them and they stay mean for the rest of their lives.”
Herman’s thoughts turned to Jonathan, and silently he prayed for his nephew to find some form of peace.
Flint looked down at the sleeping Moss. “Fwint nu cawe, stay wiv Moss foweba, neba wet his heawt-huwties stop Fwint fwom wubbin Moss.”
“That’s good to hear, he’s gonna need you with him through this all. It’s going to be tough, but I think together you can make it.”
Herman rewarded Flint with a quick scratch, before softly stroking Moss in his sleep. The Alicorn shook at his touch, but Herman could see him calming down ever so slightly.
“Ok, I’m gonna make a quick call then I’ll grab you some food, I saw a corner shop just down the road, they should have some instant noodles. Like I said if you two need anything then just let me knyo.”
“Ok nice mistah, Fwint gun twy hab wittew west wiv speciaw-fwiend.”
Flint curled up beside Moss and closed his eyes, Herman watched the two of the for a moment before jumping into the next room to call Johnny.
“Hey Herman, you ok, only been a couple hours since you last called.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Got myself into a bit of a situation though.”
“Sounds ominous, you haven’t been kidnapped have you?”
“Please, who’d want to kidnap an old fart like me? No it’s… well the short version is I found a couple Fluffies, both male, both gay, both been through absolute hell. One of them was repeatedly raped by his own brother for being gay.”
“Fuck, that is heavy Herm, I’ve heard of Fluffy incest before but it’s usually dumb stallions not knowing they can’t fuck the women in their family. Gay rape is new to me.”
“Same, the poor guy is destroyed by it, seems like it’s only stopped fairly recently so he’s still got a lot of healing to do. Anyway the reason I called was because I was thinking about taking the two of them home with me, get them someplace quiet where they can start to feel better, but given the severity of the situation, I was wondering if you or Gheorghe had any tips or ideas on what to do.”
“Not on sexual trauma, this might sound harsh Herm but when a Fluffy mare is raped, 9 times out of 10 the knowledge that she’s now pregnant is usually enough to get her through the horror of what happened. With stallions, there’s such an emphasis on masculinity, on being the strongest, the smartest, the one who can protect his family, that when that masculinity is threatened, it can shatter some Fluffies. It’s why they cry ‘Not a mare’ when they’re assaulted by another male. With what’s happened to your new friend, the fact that he’s gay doesn’t matter, whatever family he had with his partner would’ve still fallen into the purview of ‘I’m a big strong male, I must protect my family’. Having that attacked and by his own brother no less, that’s gonna fuck with his head.”
“You sound well-read on the subject.”
“Me and Gheorghe have been chatting with this guy Eren, he runs a shelter for Fluffies with problems more serious than most owners can handle. We’re in the process of adopting some Fluffies from him but he knows his shit so he fills us in on some of the things we should know. Tell you what, once keep the two Fluffies you have with you safe, then once you’re up here I’ll have Eren get in contact with you, he should be able to give you some pointers.”
“Thanks Johnny, I’ll be up first thing tomorrow morning to start the drive, I’ll call you on the journey.”
“No problem, see you when I see you Herm.”
The two friends said their goodbyes and hung up, Herman put away his phone and slowly opened the door to peek at Flint and Moss. Both were still fast asleep, and Herman noted that Moss’ crying was much less pronounced now what Flint was holding onto him.
Herman made a promise there and then to help these two however he could, trauma had fucked over his family for generations, he wasn’t gonna let it fuck over this family anymore.
Short chapter here, wasn’t planning on cutting this here but I thought this could do as a quick breather to set the stage for where Moss and Flint are at and for where I’m gonna go with them. Hopefully it’ll all work out in the end.