Gold listened cafeully. She didn’t want to attract unwanted attention. She looked around her. She was standing behind a tree. 3 smarty stallions were in a clearing infront. She needed to get back to her chirpie babbehs before she forcefully had more!
Coast clear. She tipped-with-no-toes-ed over behind the next pine tree, and peeked behind it. The smarties shout, "DUMMEH MAWES! COEM OWT! ‘OU WIWW GIB SPAWWEEGUS ENFIES!! WUNDERSTAM??’
Gold didn’t like the smarties yells. She continued to sneak behind each tree. Her home was on the other side…almost there!
Suddenly, she stopped. She couldn’t feel her legs anymore. She turned slowly with a shiver down her spine. Her mouth opened widely. All three smarties were facing her, with evil smirks on their faces.
“Dummeh mawe. Ou coem owt naow. Fffwuffy am see ou. You no escabe smawty.”
"Nuuu! Nu takk emfies fwom bad stawwions! Gowd go back to babbehs!
Gold felt her legs again. This time, she felt faster than before. Speedier than ever, she felt herself zoom away in fear.
“No mowe dummah smawty!! Gowd go back to warm boxie an babbehs!”
As you could guess, the feral smarties were outraged. They sped after her, the bestest yelled:
" Ow dawe ou, dummeh mawe?! Spawweegus gib you sowwy hoofsies an enfies, unwess ou say sowwy!!"
“Yah! Coem bacc, dummeh mawe!”
Alleyway- A small area with a box in the far corner. Many cats and fluffies are here.
Gold ran and ran until she fell smack-dab into the pavement, in the dark of the alleyway. The smarties would be here any second. But she was too tired to stop the smarties from smashing her. She layed where she fell and cried, until she heard hooves. It was her special friend.
“Sh-Speshaw frewnd…”
“Nuuu! Gowdie, ou am forevba sweepies?”
“Nuu, chawcwet, Gowdie just am sweepies. No forevba. Gowdie wakies…soon.”
As she huffed. She heard multiple steps. The smarties…her babies! She forgot to feed them!
With alk the energy she had left, she crawled towards the box slowly.
I have no motive to finish this whatsoever.