Good foals get milkies and toys (BRdude)

From: It’s Mother’s Milk

Shadow, the black and red foal, was bought as a gift to an autistic kid that loved the eponymous hedgehog, he was a smarty and a rude piece of shit, his owner liked and encouraged this behavior, much to the annoyance of his parents.

Merica was sold to a patriotic old man, he would place 50 stars shaped pins on her mane and tail and never stopped trying to teach her to sing The Star-Spangled Banner.

Cloud lived a short and loveless life as a prop for her owner’s social media, she endured 4 years of loneliness before dying of depression inside the small cage where she spent most of her “life”.


Clouds’s owner is gonna get the sorry stick if I ever find them


The idea of the most valuable fluffy in a litter being the one to suffer the most is one I don’t see often, nice one!

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