Good Ol' Fashioned Foal4Sketties (Pastry_Knight)

testing some pens for smaller more delicate text with an ol’ fashioned foal for nummies


Those foals sure are existential huh


Fluffy mills should use these to rescue alicorns and remove bad colors.


Nosh nosh. xD


Lmao the one who said “am not your breakfast” I’d spare just for that funny sentence


I would love an snimation of the inner worksings of a Foals-for-sketties machine.
Especially if it had “Powerhouse” playing in the background.

Preferably Powerhouse B (starting from 1:14)


Enfie babbeh sketti is going to be salty.

Fluffies really took Jonathan Swift to heart. “Am onwy Fwuffy’s Modes’ Pwoposaw.”


Am babbeh onwy fo nummies? nu am fo wuv?

correct! you win nothing :martinidrink:


Running back towards the entrance of the machine ensures they always fall ass first into the grinder, it’s the little details!

Great job, I hope there are plenty more widdwe bweakfasts for all the feral fluffies.


But what if bahbeh sketti really IS bestest sketties?

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I think in that case the machine would likely have to have a collection chamber to hold the foals and keep them alive until a member of the operation comes to check it, ideally once a day, and a refillable spaghetti dispenser.
I see this type of reloadable F4S machine using something that is like one of those single serving cans of soft food for small dogs/cats, just containing canned spaghetti or at least freezedried spaghetti noodles; it could even be sold to people with pet Fluffies, though the ones used for these machines would be made of extremely stiff cardboard instead of metal and the sauce would be stored separately from the noodles.
The machine would register and verify the foal in the input tray, then tip the fluffy into a chute leading to the collection chamber while opening a container of the canned spaghetti noodles & a pre-measured serving of sauce, both of which are then quickly warmed up before being mixed together in a small disposable paper bowl which is then gently pushed out of a retractable section that is close to the input tray area. From start to finish the process should only take between thirty and ninety seconds. The paper bowl would be designed to crumble soon but not immediately after it gets wet so that the grown fluffy can drag it away in case there are others with foals behind them.
The collection chamber should contain at least one Milk-Bag & the necessary parts to keep it alive, and an environmental temperature control so that extreme temperatures don’t kill the foals before they can be retrieved.
Instead of an actual machine, set up a counterfeit machine with a human inside that can dispense various amounts of spaghetti to the Fluffies according to certain collection guidelines.
These guidelines would go something like this:
One serving per foal ‘sacrificed’ with an additional serving for foals that are Alicorns or good colors, with sacrificed good colored Alicorn foals bestowing a whopping four or five servings unto the Fluffy that put them in the machine.


As long as this particular concept has been in the community, I’m kind of surprised that I haven’t seen a story where a herd of feral Fluffies use these machines, and especially this type of the machine, to dispose of the foals of rival herds.
If one wanted to take that idea to its logical extension, it could even be used as a means of execution for grown Fluffies if one made the input large enough to fit.
Example: a Smarty just defeated the Smarty of a rival herd and after breaking all four of its legs and those of any Toughies still loyal to the defeated Fluffy, the victor has his Toughies drag and dump the helpless Fluffies and the corpses of any of those killed in the battle into a chute or chamber that acts as the machine’s input; once the input is full or there is no more bodies to put into it, the Smarty presses a big red button that activates the machine, opening the floor beneath the pile of Fluffies, both alive and otherwise, dropping them into a shredder/grinder which quickly turns those within into ground meat, and deposits the meat into a large cooking pot where the meat is cooked, seasoned, and combined with a sauce while freezedried noodles are rehydrated and warmed up before being added into the meat sauce and poured onto a large disposable paper plate for the herd to enjoy.
If the victor is particularly sadistic he could force the fallen Smarty’s mate and children to be the first to eat it while constantly reminding them that their food is made using the body of the fallen Smarty.

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No teaws…

Onwy nummies nao…

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I’ll see your Powerhouse… and raise you an American Fotoplayer:

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I think I heard of a design where LOUD happy music played to cover up the foal’s screams.

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I’m kind of surprised that I haven’t seen a story where a herd of feral Fluffies use these machines, and especially this type of the machine, to dispose of the foals of rival herds.

Didn’t I see a story like this in the booru? Where adults would conquer a smaller tribe, kill all the males, enf all the females and foals, and then dispose of the foals in a foals-for-skettis machine?

That’s … actually pretty impressive.
Would certainly fit pretty well too.

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