Goodbye for now by (that1hugboxer)

Even if you’re burned out on writing (which happens to us all, trust me), maybe stick around as a lurker until you get your mojo back?

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Yeah I’m sticking around don’t worry

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I think even when I get my mojo back I’ll only post one story at a time even if I have more written I will simply save them for another day

That way if I do experience burnout again I’ll have a backlog of stories to post until I get out of the funk

I swear, i looked at the profile pictures and thought you got burned out to the point of having a schizo convention with yourself



Here’s a question for the seasoned community members

Do Fluffies have inborn knowledge of the mama song?

Like if you raised a foal from one of those canisters

Would it know the mama song despite never having contact with its birth mother ?

Depends on how programmed you want to make your Fluffies.

Is the mummah song already pre-programmed or is it a learned experience? Depends on your headcanon.

Or even just depends on how tragic you want to make your story. I have the mummah-song already known by most of my Fluffies but I had one story where a colt cried when he heard the mummah song because he realised his own mother never sang it so he had no idea what it was.

Fluffies are flexible like that

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Thank you

I think the foal-in-a-can would recognize and react to the song
However, whether that is due to ingrained knowledge or factory programming is up for debate

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From what I know. Traditionally Fluffies singing to their foals while they are pregnant has been there since the /mlp/ greentext days. The common hivelore on singing was that “Mummahs” singing to their pregnant foals and to the foals after they birthed was an intentional behavior designed by Hasbio to help foals develop speech quicker and learn important behaviors like drinking milk to grow up “Big and strong” and going to the litterbox as soon as possible.

This was because foals developed rapidly and needed to be available for sale while they were at “Peak cuteness” at around 2 months old. So they needed to be healthy and toilet trained by then before going up for sale. Which is why the songs are all about behaviors like drinking milk, using the litter box and giving lots of hugs. It was all designed to speed up the foals development so they could be in the best possible sale condition.

A foal in a can knowing it would depend on your interpretation on how fluffies are “Programmed” like others have said but they certainly would react to the song.

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