Goodbye Indians, hello Cleveland Guardians -- RQ

That’s the Washington Football Team. They were the Cleveland Indians. Let me guess, you’re a Sleeper who despise wokeness?


New plan:

Put a Houston Astros jersey on a fluffy and send them to Dodgers Stadium. :slight_smile:


fun times in cleveland today!



For a second, I thought that was a Captain Planet fluffy.


There’s been an ongoing war here in DC/Metro about the “Washington Redskins,” with both pro- and anti- sides increasing the ferocity of their arguments. Anti’s say change the name, it’s disrespectful to First Nations, while the Pro’s say nothing doing, it’s tradition.

None of this changes the tragic fact that it’s just not a very good team to begin with.


This raises the question of if fluffies would even be allowed in. If they’re seen as pets, I’d think not, but they often get special treatment due to their circumstances, so I could also see it happening.

I’m sure this would also be a large debate in that reality as well.

I’m curious to hear other’s ideas.

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Should’ve been the Spiders!

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i love that team name

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Do you even know baseball?

I’m not American. Do you know anything about Dutch football teams?

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Now I’m thinking of ways a Fluffy story could be told in Holland. I think there was at least one picture about Dutch fluffies.


Hey, I’ve been thinking about doing a story in the Netherlands. I already had the climax of one Saga take place there.

It wouldn’t have to be mostly in Dutch, either, a lot of people here speak fluent English.

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No, just tired of seeing “I’m a Euro, what’s a McDonald’s” posts TBH. God, that sounds like the name of an /int/ meme.

To be fair to Nobody, and relooking at the fluffy…

he does look a little like Captain Planet!


i noticed

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the fluffy is how sports fans really are