So where can I see the archived content?
Why do a goodbye post? just ghost us like any normal person
Literally who? Bye.
youve been here since september 2021 and havent made a single post
Or torch your headcanon on the way out. Rocks fall, everyone dies.
That’s just because the mods deleted their posts like they asked, they had a nice big pile of fluffy artwork before then.
A bit impressed how well the torched earth solution worked, honestly. Instant un-personing!
oh i was talking about konkey dong
@bigtrucklover929 you can bully this one all you want here since OP got deleted.
so true king
If I were more confrontational, I would steal this lol
Point and laugh
You prove time and time again to be based beyond belief
If I ever disappear makes sure to triple archive my work and repost it often
What happened with McGonagall? I know he doesn’t post anymore, but I never heard why.
The rumor I heard was that someone connected their art through their style and they ended up getting harassed and such. No sure what happened after.
I’am quite new to this fandom, so i don’t really get why most of us are hiding.
Yes, we have a weird sub genre with an abuse section. Seems like a fandom like any other to me. I’ve heared some guy married a manga-character, or a woman who was in love with the Berlin wall.
Are we that weird, or are outsiders that sensitve for odd fan-art?
I don’t understand, yet.
Not that I’m ashamed or anything, but having seen the breadth of depravity of some fluffy content, I should wouldn’t want someone seeing it and saying “Wow that guy likes fluffies? So he dreams of abusing animals or smth?” You have to admit, there’s some pretty heinous fluffy content out there.
Outsiders don’t care about nuance, they’ll make the most shallow and basic observation and use it to measure each and every one of us.
Back when I first joined, abuse took up 80%+ of content. So rather than abuse being a sub genre, it’s kind of the main genre, with hugbox and stuff being a minority.
Due to the reputation that earned us, a lot of people who don’t look too deep into the fandom would see mainly abuse, and take any protests as something akin to “I’m only on this zoophilia board to see cute animal pics”.
Besides, we’re in an age where twitter will try to cancel people for not vocally hating on their friend who was accused of racism, so can you imagine the backlash for associating with this place?
I would rather shit myself into a coma than be associated with someone who likes something called “enfie babbeh”
I did one enfie babbeh story, and considering that the “babbeh” was actually a de-aged foal rapist himself, it’s not really that bad.
It might be the one and only time an enfie babbeh actually deserved it.