Goodbye, mods please delete my posts

And I give a shit because? Why would I ever draw retard horses getting mutilated and then run the risk of people finding out who I am because of it? It’s amazing how even the slightest bit of negativity makes fluffy elitists crawl out of the wood works like cockroaches to the scent of fermented fruit.

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no one cares enough about you to find out who you are


so can you imagine the backlash for associating with this place?

Oh yes, i start to understand.

a lot of people who don’t look too deep into the fandom would see mainly abuse

yeah, humans tend to see negative side easier, sadly enough

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“Accentuating the negatives”, I think it’s called.

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I love how every fluffy elitist’s retort is always “nobody cares about you!” or “no art = no opinion”. Very mature example you’re setting for new people on this site. Reminds me of when fanfictions put “don’t like don’t read” at the start.

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You got a valid point. Negativism is the main tendency for most people, seeing only the darkside. I could go hugbox all the way, some hobbies just have stigma, like a man doing ballet. Most outsiders of that genre would think: that man doesn’t date women.


Perhaps the main “thrust” of the argument is that it’s silly to dismiss an artist because “you” haven’t seen much of their work when “you” have not even put yourself out there by posting work of you own.

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Enfie babbeh IS a mostly disliked topic indeed it seems. Yer the second who mentions that fact one to me, and i ain’t even trying. Research time for me. Gags

no one cares enough about you to find out who you are

The way i like it. Just another fish in the ocean.

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download (1)

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my point is you said “literally who?” when nobody knows who you are. No one has any way of knowing who you are. Inside or outside this fandom. You’re a void in the shape of a human.

Of a penis**

A hole where a penis should be but he’s not worth calling a pussy.


Hey, the only reason my generation of church folks hate cancel culture is the young folks are better at it than we were. Fluffies would’ve gotten own time of “satanic panic” hysteria in my day. We’re the original “think of the children” after all.


You know, leaving topics like this open for everyone to comment on
it’s a lot like leaving fluffies alone in a room.

After about a day, there’s always a few that resort to cannibalism.

Say g’night folks.