Goofus and Gallant (By Rescue_9)


wait a minute… that’s not an adult fluffy! that’s a bunch of chirpies wearing a fluffy suit!


Dammit it does look like that

New idea

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Thank you!

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“Oh poopies, dey awe unto fluffy! Wun!”


I hope I haven’t shared this one already, but it’s been such an inspiration for me. Less exaggeration, more humans letting things carry on to the extreme conclusion.

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That is my absolute all-time favorite Wolfram comic! The premise is perfect, and the gentle style and tone combined with a gruesome lesson are fluffy comedy at its finest. Not to mention all the little things like introducing universal fluffy traits like “Loves huggies and scratchies” and “Loves pretty colors and playing with ball” like they were notable personality traits. :rofl:

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So this is what it feels like when someone else “gets it”.~ That intro is so meaningless, but it’s still going to be an instant point of attachment for a fluffy audience.

I noticed that the wideshot of Buddy’s room never shows a litterbox. And with some offhand knowledge of video production, I can’t help but think that he was set up. He never had a litter box, but editing in the scene of a hand holding one and leading the audience on through narration makes it seem obvious that he had one but decided not to use it. They also gave him the toys that would be easier to clean with a simple hosing.

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