Gr1m’s Grimoire! [Chapter 11] Art by:Gr1m_1

A collection of topics for everything else I’ve made in the past! :nerd_face:Now reorganized chronologically

[52705] - Artist-Kun Christmas Fan art

[52707] - XmasHeimer

[52857] - Fluffsplosion

[52858] - Future Skippy concept

[52859] - Cutting Loose tribute

[53050] - Valentines Day 1

[53051] - Valentines Day 2

[53052] - Valentines Day 3

[53073] - Shit factory abuse

[53089] - Cherryblossom/Lukas fanart (artist:???)

[53107] - Jellenheimer comic

[53115] - Valentines Day 4

[53219] - Daddy’s choice Comic WIP (still) by Differential Sloth

[53317] - Foal chest bursting animation

[53608] - Fluffwars? Shitewars? Starshite Troopers? I forgot,sorry :thinking: but look anthrofluffs!

[56158] - Return to the Booru!

More to come soon! Dust tits, Citizen Fluff and more in progress.


Lmao lov your work grim


I remember almost all of these.
Especially the first one.
Yeah that fluffy sure is happy, especially when they throw her in the incinerator.


Perfect as always gr1m. Your gritty drawings bring alot to the table. Hell I bet you’ve inspired dozens with your art style alone. I only gripe is that the panels are small and hard to read but other then that. They’re perfect.


Lookit how happy they are in the Santa hat!!

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Thanks for reading! I’ve got to put the fullscreen ‘buttons’ in I actually forgot :joy:

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Holy crap! All of this is so good, specially the “Fluffies acting as a community group”, so much can be done, like Lord of the Flies, or Green Inferno.

Great to see your early work, shame that a lot of your ideas never got msde into ful stories(loke the fluffy gladiators or the fluffies crossing the road) but as a newer fan i enjoy seeing your work before this website.