Great Breadfluffy Bakeoff - $ Contest $- Closed / Complete.

No problem, love the site and community. Happy to support it. :slight_smile:

If theme weeks usually have a vote i’ll probably do something similiar and select my top 5 or 10 choices and have people vote for the top 3. If it’s usually a council or something i’ll pick out some people to help me narrow it down.

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Ok fixed my paypal issues. Think I got out pm’s to everyone who was selected and got the participation money. If I missed you let me know.

Infraredturbine ; Sexygoatgod ; Larur ; swiftbitches ; moesius ; Carnivorous Duck ; Bad Roomie ; MLGbunny ; Foxhoarder.

Admittidly a few of your are refusing the initial offering which makes it easier for me to run secondary prizes. :slight_smile:

Entry deadline is october 8 so still some time for a surprise upset.

I’m doing something and it turned out to be too long for a single upload, can I divide it into two parts? I guess as long as I upload them before the deadline there will be no problems…

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That is correct.

Multiple entries are fine, if it’s a multi part comic label it as such and for stories you can break it up into multiple parts and i’ll judge it on the total sum.

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Some delicious new entries.

This is gonna be fun to judge.

We’re down to the last week of the bakeoff.

Im going to start setting aside a few of my personal favorites for the community to vote on the top 3. But I have a feeling with ink/flufftober the entries are probably done.

Thanks again to everyone who participated. :slight_smile:

Voting starts on friday.

Barring a last minute entry upsetting my selections voting will probably be as follows.

Top 6 - 1st through 3rd choosen by the top three voted of the following. 4th through 6th become 1st through 3rd winners of a silver ribbon (no prize but I bought my 20$ silver subscriptions to honor these works).

BREAD FLUFFYS! / Milkbread fluffies – Bad roomie

Bread fluffies concept - Larur

Loaffies! - Nekuchan

Hunger for bread series ( part 2 pending)– LostDauphin

Baked weggies / Mating habits of bread fluffies – Booperino

Baking bread – Sexy

Bronze ribbons - No prize but I bought my 10$ bronze subscriptions to honor the top 3 that will be voted amongst you.

Fluffer snuffer (loafie) ; Cuddilybloodily (origins of penicillin) ; Carnivorous duck (making toast & feeding the birds) ; Eded_ted (Bread 2) – Bronzeaward ; I don’t want to be bread - ClownKing / Leviticus ; Axestraddler (Ellens bread fluffy bakery)

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Finally finished the story I said I’d write.

Ellen’s Bread Fluffy Bakery

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