Great Breadfluffy Bakeoff - $ Contest $- Closed / Complete.

Is it too late to send a submission? I drew a bread fluffy for fun cause i didnt know if it was still going lol

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While it’s too late to be voted in for some free money, It is not too late to submit a wildcard piece for your chance at the grand prize. :slight_smile:

Deadline is October 8th.


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Thank you!

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No no my friend, I thank people like you for breathing life into my fever dream.

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Oh, so this is the reason behind all that cool yet weird fluffy bread art I’ve seen recently
I’ll see if I can participate between all the shit I’m working around :'D I get some really cute images

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Looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

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Do you just ask here to participate or is there a process…?

Yeah. The voting over for artist selections but you can still submit a wildcard piece for a chance at the prize.

Don’t know if it counts a “bread,” But, Somone should make a Beef Wellington fluffy.

You misspelled “breading”.

Jokes aside, I would like to submit my own piece to the contest, but I don’t know if I can make it in time for the deadline…
Two weeks, I know. I’m slow.

Let me know how much time you need and i’ll consider extending judging. :slight_smile:

I’d like any $$ to go to Virgil and the community website - how can I donate, anyway?



As part of the contest im purchasing all three bronze and silvers in honor of works to join my current golds. :slight_smile:

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I must say, I was sceptical at first, but seeing so many awesome concepts by so many talented artists, I believe bread fluffies to be the best thing since sliced bread.


Then sliced bread fluffies being the best thing since bread fluffies. :slight_smile:

Some in real life made capybara bread. Which is cute and probably close to a bread fluffy!


Bread doggy :smiley:

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Still a bit off, but out of curiosity since people have compared it. How does the site usually choose theme week winners?

It’s truly appreciated, thank you.

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