Green is the color of healing! (Artist: SqueakyFriend)

green is a healing color

According to all known games, that should have worked.


so stupid yet so good!


Well, not counting the ones where you heal by eating food out of the garbage.

Which fluffies do all the time…


Xtreme Green!

(It’s really just pancake batter mixed with green house paint.)

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I misread that as ‘Hearing’ instead of ‘Healing’ at first and was like…

Crazystein can hear colors?

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see its cause he used lime green, if it was lawn green it woulda have worked!


Hahahaha IMSS (Mexican Social Security Institute) moment :rofl::rofl:

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Try pink next time.
That’s the color of healthy living flesh that should heal !

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love that

I read it the same way, but thought it was the patient talking until I saw the “oh okay” after it. I thought whatever he gave them caused them to hear colors.


Daily Dose!

Ah, The good doctor crazy-stein is at it again

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Medicine? Nah, it must have been Post Pandemic Stress Disorder.

Not that fluffies with a sharp needle aren’t a dangerous combo in itself. :smile:

Crazystein! It’s been so long. <3

Fucked up thing though, in my head cannon, this actually works. :joy:

I’m both surprised and not that it didn’t work

Time to get yellow, a max revive!


Green is the color of healing!

…except when it’s not…

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Well than was it a good medicine.