Green Thumb (by Wholebroccoli) garden fluff entry

(First time posting. Just wanted to get this concept type out.)

It was in the home and garden section of Lowes when Martha first heard a light babbling of fluffies. She set down the orchid she had been looking at and headed further into the green house. In a pen there were a series of bushes lying on the ground. One of them moved.

“How do you like our plant fluffies?” Matha jumped. “We just got them in last week!”. Martha’s eyes fell on a young woman whose name tag read in bold cheerful letters, Hellan.


One of the Small rose bushes trotted up to her. “Be nyu mommy? Fluffy been vewy good fluffy.”

“Yes, these are one of are best products. Better than fluffies or even regular plants!”

“Better? How? I don’t even like fluffies.”

"Well they don’t stink as bad as fluffies. Rather than shitting out all of their nutrients they go to growing beautiful plants and flowers.

Martha paused for a moment and sniffed the air. “Huh? Your right! They don’t smell!”

“Plus if you are bad with plants these little plantlets will tell you when they need watering! No more worrying about over watering your plants!”

“Fluffy need wawa!”

“Speaking of which” Helan left Martha coming back a moment laterl with a hose to fill the water trough.

“Do these fluffies need a safe room?”

Helan paused for a moment. " Well these guys can just be left outside to roam. Though if you have a garden you have tell the fluffy not to eat the garden. The usually just go after wilting plants or overripe fruit so it’s not much of a problem"

Looking over the small herd and their many colorfull blooms Martha stood for a moment. She pointed to a fluffy bush with small vining white flowers. “I’ll take that one.”


“Sunswine luv nyu namzies!” babled the garden fluff from her carrier.

“Glad you like it hon.” Martha replied as she opened the door to her house. “Shedder, honey! I’m home!” A scruffy orange tabby slunk from the kitchen to Martha’s legs, brushing against them. She bent down to scratch his ears.

Sunshine huddled towards the back of the carrier. “Is orwange munstah good munstah?”

“Shredder? He’s harmless. He is just a big old ham.” Shedder quietly trotted over the carrier sniffing at the bars. “He’s your new brother sweetheart”.

Leaving her corner Sunshine looked at the feline. “Otay, Sunswine twy not be scawies wit big brudder. Huggies?” She held out her arms.

“Sure.” Martha open the carrier and let the floral fluffy out to hug the cat. “You two be good” She said lifting her luggage to the kitchen. Setting down the garden fluff supplies she grabbed her “How to take care of your new garden fluff” pamphlet that came with Sunshine. And started reading.

She read : Actinidia polygam - Silver Vine or more commonly known as catnip…

“SHREEEEEeeeeeee! Worstest Hurtties!” Martha dropped her pamphlet and ran to the living room. Sunshine woody guts were all over the carpet, stung about like confetti. “Munstah give worstest hurties. Momma sabe babeh…….” Her eyes gone dark, Martha closed her eyelids and cried. A bump in wall brought Martha’s attention to Shredder lying on his side meowing then pawing at the air, pupils dilated having the time of his life.


I wonder if rose plantfluffs would have thorns? They could be garden defenders against yard invaders.

A greenhouse full of different varieties would be a cool image.