I was trying to find a green waste photo like we have here but this works too. Idea is green/ food waste gets fed to the fluffies who then make poop. That becomes fertilizer and the methane harvested for electricity generation, heating, etc.
Thats a good recycling fluffies though I wonder how the methane works
thats actually pretty genius
but the methane gas released it’s Bad for the atmosphere, worse than CO2
This is a great idea. Socially productive fluffies.
The guy is there to make sure they go good poopies. Once collected in tanks the poop produces its methane is harvested and stored for future use.
i thought fluffies are a part of the waste too lol
Good concept The fluffies look happy eating, almost too happy in fact. And they aren’t shitting!
Bob! Where’s the 3 cubic meter of shit we need for bio-reactor #4? It should’ve been done by lunch!
No, I don’t care if it’s their “nummie time”. Get their asses working pronto!
These must be modified fluffies with digestive systems specifically made for rotting/moldy food.
If you’re starving…
I’d see them eating and such in shifts as to not overwhelm the plumbing.
Also: Methane From Pig Poop Could Be Big Business For Hog Farmers : The Salt : NPR
Poop is money
They are good at making poop
They are! Better than we are, even though we have Taco Bell!
Makes perfect sense to me. I could see this as also a method to curtail feral herds by “recruiting” them in the operation.
Given their alternatives? I think they’d be hard-pressed to find a better offer.
One poster on reddit noted their reproduction rate would be a problem, which then got me wondering about birth control for fluffies. Which I mentioned on the Discord, and @Oculusfluffy had some interesting thoughts about. Nice ideas to chew on.
For instance, the difference in power between the folks running the operation and the fluffies in it is considerable. There’s no real need for negotiation. Heck, the fluffies don’t even have to be willing. So, how to deal with that if you want things to be win/win?
My personal idea was for this to be done at a small landfill with a green-waste section like ours has. The fluffies process the green waste and the landfill can use that as part of making compost. The idea of using food waste like this came from the picture being easier to find and more compelling for me to use.
We /just/ had a customer get some labels from us for their tofu, and I asked what they did with the okara. Turns out they give it to a pig farmer they know as animal feed. With the increase of farm to plate/localvore places, it makes sense that sort of arrangement would come up. Likewise, grocery stores throw out a lot of produce that goes bad. Some of it gets donated to food distribution, but having helped give that out before? Yeah, you’ll be there cutting out bits of mold or over-ripe/rotten bits.
I think @FluffiesAreFood would find this to be a very holistic way to reclaim food waste. Likewise, I think using it as a way to manage ferals, negotiate with them, etc., is possible. I don’t know about a pure win/win, but win/not lose horrendously is quite possible.
Damn and okara can be used to make a killer side dish. Well, as long as the pork is tastier for it.
Well like in some canons/stories where street ferals are given food in exchange for neutering/spaying I think even if they are less willing it can be controlled through chemical means.
Oh yeah, feeding fluffies unwanted food - this would absolutely fit in my headcanon. I could even see the waste food being “kibbleized” before feeding it to fluffies. When you’re breeding industrial quantities of happy meat fluffs, a penny saved is millions of dollars earned.
@MossyFluff I’ll have to see if I can find some around here. Its one of those “old country foods” I didn’t grow up with, nor do I remember my 1st generation family having.
I think that having contraception during food-scarce times (like fall and winter) would be a big plus if a herd is old enough to know what its like to lose foals and members to starvation.
At some point I need to finally write my Japanese-market fluffies bit. But, the idea there is reproduction is naturally curtailed (artificial scarcity) and you have to enable them to have foals.
@FluffiesAreFood It’d be an interesting processes to be sure. How to take the waste, kill all the stuff you don’t want (mold, insects, etc), make it palatable, etc. What doesn’t go to livestock could go to shelters, be an inexpensive kibble, etc. Lots of possibilities.
jberg360 did something like this but for methane
…the fluffies werent happy