Greg and Mike(BloodyBoots Tribute) by Karn/Princess Purrpaws

Asked P3 to make this for @anon9587322 , in recognition for FluffCon and how much people enjoyed it.
Sorry it took a while and hope you enjoy.


Man I love bloodyboot’s shit. Greg and Mike remind me of Henry and June from kablam.


It’s got the same chaotic energy for sure.


Wow tyvm! I love it! :two_hearts::beer::sunglasses:

Also, ty for helping me pick a color for their gloves and masks lol

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No problem.
P3’s been busy at work or it would have come out sooner.

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aw jeez Rick, it’s too cute to experiment on.

Mor-urrrp!-orty, it’s a biological abomination of science creation of -burp!- science made by corporate hacks for pro-uurrrrp-fit. Now hand me the genetic scramber.

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