Greg is too stupid to realize he's supposed to be dead (federalchemical1728)

i find myself wondering how @Dragonixa 's Parsley would feel about Greg’s ability to dismember himself & continue talking as a disembodied head?

we know she likes Dead, but what about UNdead? :ghost:

((showing a little baby sign of life woo \o/ ))

i’m kinda stuck in limbo, smoking pot waiting on my ADHD meds, procrastinating on big projects by starting a whole bunch of little projects that may or may not ever get finished, picking myself apart in every diary page & sticky-note reminder so i can read it back to my therapist later, coasting through each day just waiting for it to be over. where is the line between venting & perpetuating?

i haven’t been drawing much & yet my backlog still keeps getting longer and longer. my headcanons on aquatic fluffies, bowl fluffies, Riley adjusting to domestic life, art, smut, weirder smut, & a pathological resistance to making comics. i also started on a shameless vent story w/ fluffies & shit is DEPRESSO

on a lighter & funnier note, the skunk living in our hedges scared the shit out of me when i went out to smoke weed at 1am & i screamed like a little girl lol

didn’t even spray me or stand up on its front legs, i backed off & it just trundled right on by. very cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


ohhh what a silly little zombie!!

I hope you feel much better soon. if you need someone to talk to im here my friend :heart: :heart:


She likes dead dead, because she feels empowered and in control of her vic… umm, lover, yes xd


Also, love the way you drew her :heart::heart::heart:


Oh, my G’d, I love him. I want a little zombie guy! He’s so cute and sweet and funny! Plus, I know how to sew, so I can keep him from losing his head.

Love this, and love your art style. :slight_smile:


So cute!!

I hope things get better for you soon. I’m glad the ADHD meds are on their way! Here’s to hoping they get to you fast and work well. (Mine do wonders for me!!) Stay safe, we’re rooting for you!

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