Grendel part 2 by(that1hugboxer)

Taking care of Grendel was a learning process.

Zoey was correct, a domesticated mare had no chance of recognizing the subtle clues that a feral foal would display when it needed something

Most of the time Grendel was so quiet that if not for his immense size you’d probably forget he was even there

Grendel really only bothered you when he needed food

But on the other hand you had to keep a much closer eye on him to make sure he didn’t “relieve” himself on everything

One day Grendel opened his eyes

Because he could now see , Grendel started associating the litter box with pooping and peeing as you would put him in it every time he started eyeballing the spots he usually did his business

Eventually he started going to the litter box on his own without you having to put him there

Even When Grendel started talking
It was very cut and dry

Things like “nummies.” Or “nu wike.”

Grendel could speak in archaic sentences like other fluffies

But he rarely did so.

If Grendel needed to say something he tended to use as few words possible only what was absolutely needed for the task at hand

You where however able to teach him “please and thank you”

If Grendel spoke in sentences you knew whatever it was must be important

Grendel wasn’t as overly cuddly as his domesticated counterparts

Not to say he never requested hugs or cuddles

He was just more capable of self soothing. Thus requested them less frequently

If he wanted to snuggle Grendel cut the BS and just asked

Grendel enjoyed being outside most of the time

A few months go by Grendel is now a colt

He was surprisingly self sufficient for fluffy standards

He foraged for grasses and wild berries

This self sufficiency brought with it the occasional defiance and head strong outbursts

But Grendel quickly realized how indomitable you were and learned his place in the pecking order

Grendel did not enjoy the company of domestic fluffies at all

“Tu noisy. Tu noying “

Grendel didn’t seem to like anyone other than you

Not even Zoey could charm him

You did not get Grendel neutered

Because you had plans for breeding him

Even though he was a feral keeping his balls served a purpose outside of reproduction

He was a big fluffy and he easily kept a sizable amount of ferals in check
Especially the smarties and toughies

The rules were that Grendel didn’t bother the domestic fluffies

And in return he could treat the ferals who tried to claim the farm as their own, however he pleased

It was a pretty sweet deal and always funny seeing him knock the ferals down a peg

Grendel eventually became obsessed with a mean smarty mare he had found trying to kill the domestic foals . Grendel from that day forward made an Olympic sport out of tormenting her on a daily basis

Part of you pitied her but the other part of you wanted her to suffer like she had made the foals suffer

It never once crossed The smarties mind to simply stay away from the place she received the daily ass whoopings

Instead every day like clockwork she would test her luck against Grendel

And everyday was the same result

“How many times du Grendel hab tu teach you dis Wesson owd mawe !?”

You genuinely started wondering if the mare enjoyed It.

One day the mare had been beaten so thoroughly that she couldn’t even limp away

She finally admitted defeat

But now what?

You walk over to the defeated mare

And pick her up

“Whewe dummy hooman take fwuffy!?”

“You have caused a ton of problems

But even a fluffy as dumb and horrible as you has their uses.”

You put the mare in a separate pin

You don’t have time to deal with her now

Someone just arrived to pick out a fluffy


Old mare*



I can’t believe I forgot to put that part in

Thanks for reminding me

It’s fixed now