Grim's story suggestion post

Some good ol cannibal fluffs! I can never get enough of reading about em


I would reccomend writing about a fluffy


a abuse turning into a hug box story but there will still be abuse they would be sort of like hugboxer/abuser

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got an ongoing one called Sally that kinda fits that bill, if you haven’t seen it.

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Here you go

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Feral herd. Time machine. Witch trials.


I vote for industrial

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Here you go


A Fluffy, that fucks up somehow (they always do, lets be honest).
As Punishment the Owner takes parts of it away. First Hoofpad on one foot, then a bit more of the foot and so on. I mean not complete bodyparts as a whole, but in small parts.


Here you go @DerNik

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some poopie fluffy / foal justice with a mare that overfeeds her other “ good “ babies . while the poopie foal ends up getting a home rather than the mother and the Fat ass foal, Could add some abuse to the mother and other foals


I actually have a story like this that I am working on it is called Jack and the smarty

A demon sacrifices a A group of fluffy’s that comes into his temple

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here you go I had a lot of fun with this one


I’d love a story about a fluffy who was injured as a chirpy foal, so that his face looks derpy and he can’t talk so everyone thinks he’s completely derped, but he actually has above average intelligence for a fluffy and knows exactly what’s happening but can’t communicate it because everyone else is actually too dumb to notice and too arrogant to actually try to listen. (He could have got stepped on for being a munstah alicorn trying to take milkies)

Also he could have some kind of intestinal issue so he makes bad poopies even though he doesn’t want to.

Then he could get adopted because a nice human sees mistreatment and saves him and his poopie brother.

Maybe the human family would only let him play with the dumb fluffy toys like a ball and blocks, and every time he tries to draw them an explanation that he’s smart, his brother takes the drawing materials away because “bwuddah tu dummeh for dwaw”

Then they could end up abandoning him for being too much of a handful with the bad poopies, and giving his brother saddies because his derpiness is sad to look at.

Then he gets ignored eternally by other fluffies and humans because they think he’s derped.

Could be really Sadbox but I feel like I can’t do my own ideas justice with writing (or drawing) but yeah, smart fluffy is seemingly derped and is treated like a derp.

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here you go @G00mi

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Man that was fucked up. Great job lol

Edit: also nice job making it seizures, more believable as the poopies and derpy talk are from the same cause

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A story about an abuser that “adopted” a fluffy family gives them a choice everyday, in order to get food for that day one of you must submit themselves or (more then likely) be submitted to a punishment (because parents are selfish dicks) that slowly grows in escalation each day from a few hits from a no no stick then after a week to a severe beating then another week goes by to removing body parts, burning, almost drowning, things up butts ect

Go absolutely buck wild with it as you please.

I’m going to politely decline this one as it’s really not my jazz, I hope you understand.
That said, the AU Sally series might whet your whistle.

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That’s all good.

I really liked your other suggestion

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