Gubsthabbo (Ambitiousleather8309)

The vet assistant heaved the straining cardboard carrier onto the exam table with a loud thud. the fluffy inside had a small shriek of surprise for the jostling about. Vet and vet assistant peered inside at the … unusual little alicorn.

“Hey lil … Matt stop laughing … hey lil guy. what’s your name?”

“Fwuffy Gubsthabbo. Wewe Mummah? Wan Mummah!”

The vet offered the fluffy a small dried berry they used as snacks. “I’m not sure where your mummah is, Gustavo, but my name is Dr. Kathy and this is my helper, Matt. We’re going to see how big and strong you are growing, then you get to play!”

This placated the distressed and confused fluffy foal long enough for the medical team to get vitals and assess the surrendered biotoy.

“Based on his head circumference, he’s only about 6 weeks old. judging by his circumference in general he’s severely overfed. Always heartbreaking, when abuse is rooted in love like this. We’ll have to get him rehabbed quickly, his colors are okay, good temperament, handsome guy, and alicorns always bring in good money to this dump.

To a fluffy pony, physical therapy probably feels like torture. Poor Gustavo’s little legs couldn’t properly lift him, so he spent a lot of time in the hydrotherapy pool, which is what they called the largest mop sink in the supply room. Water is always stressful for a fluffy, but they can be conditioned to endure short immersions.

Meals were not the struggle Matt was anticipating. Gustavo was curious and excited to try new, healthy foods.

“Hey Gusto, I dont think I’ve ever asked, what did you eat with your mummah?”

The fluffy pony paused thoughtfully, “Onwy habb mummah milkies. Gubsthabbo bestest bebbeh.”

“You were already a big strong colt when you arrived. You never had kibble? Or grass? only milk? Did you have brothers and sisters you needed to share the milk with? Who was feeding your fluffy mom then?” Matt was so puzzled.

“Siwwy Matt! Hoomin mummah, mummah git the nummies at the stoww and make bestest miwkies for bebbeh Gubsthabbo, nu fwuffy mummah!”

Matt paused at it dawned on him. “Your mother was a human? you were drinking human milk? Well. I’ll never get that image out of my mind. Lets get you weighed, Big Gusto.”

As the months went on, the scale crept steadily down.

Gustavo grew into a cheerful little colt that loved to play chase with the other colts, but due to his unfortunate early obesity, his fluff and skin were extremely loose, so when he ran it made a slapping skin sound, that everyone found hilarious.

Gustavo hated being laughed at, and the ruthless teasing of colts and the snickering of humans were the only things that flared his temper and spoiled his usually pleasant disposition.

Matt, ever the dumbass, accidentally taught Gustavo to hurl insults back. Even thought everyone was right in their observation; indeed gustavo kinda looked like a four legged vulva. Hopefully someone would give the foul mouthed alicorn a good home, who doesnt laugh at his fluffy meat curtains.


plap plap plap TAG! Yuuuu It!



Still looks like an ugly POS. Might as well be dog food.


My Chihuahua started having lipid issues this year, which caused him to gain some weight. After changing his food, he’s much trimmer again, but he still has some loose skin around his hind legs.

We’ve dubbed them “ham-flaps”


love chihuahuas. they are the goofiest dogs. They’re one of my reference animals for how I draw fluffy ponies. bless your yapping eagle bait. bless the ham flaps. bestest puppo.


That’s fine I assume that’s what most things look like to male fluffies. Stuffed animals, unattended furniture, slippers. :shrug: Heck he has the advantage if some bully ever tried to enf him


I’m losing my absolute shit with how funny and adorable Gustavo is