Gud Poopies (Menn019)

Yup, i was drawing again. This one is the first Fluffy i’ve drawn in months, and it was 'bout shit, i scooped tons of horse shit, i stil scoop horse shit, i don’t mind scooping horse shit for money.
But lemme tell ya one thing; scooping horse shit is nothing compared to cow shit!
Cowshit needs a shovel, you know, those wheeled versions with engines, and swimminglessons, if yer lucky.


Wow you never see pictures of good poopies!


So is this your first job, or job number two?

Number 2 (giggety), last time i worked with animals was for a horse-stable, the recent one has also horses, and a load of cows.

But ofcourse i’ve had loads of other jobs as a temp, but thats another story.

Yeah, i was missing that also, and i could use the practice.

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Which is stinkier? Horse or cow poop? I’m legit curious! And as a trade of info I will tell you that salamander ahit is rancid! But then again some of the bugs I feed him also stink

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Buen trabajo, buenas popos :slight_smile:

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My capability to catch a scent is shit, pun intended, but really; it has to really, REALLY stink before i smell something; a remnant of childhood illness, a regular constant cold or however it’s called in English; a blessing and a curse in once, i can’t smell good things, i can’t smell bad things (wich also can be a warning, like they did with cooking-gas, added smell to signify danger, but that’s the only bad thing i can miss as far as i know)
So; i can’t tell you wich smells worse.
But i can tell ya Cowshit looks worse than horse-shit coz of the food most farmers give to cows; mostly grass and corn based, for a bigger milk-production, meaning that the cows have constant life-long diarrhea, the only ‘bad’ thing in a furtherly comfy situation for 'em critters, while horses get the right stuff like hay and foodpellets to have dry, neat and easy to clean turds, ready to pickup with a forked spade thingy, while cow-shit has to be shoveled, really needs a shovel, hand and machine version to push it the right direction to drain it, cos of the corndiet, last time it was a few hundred of liters who had to be removed from the cow-stable. Made quite an impression on me, that while i’ve seen, and cleaned up almost literally tons of horse-shit, but we (my Boss, the farmer, who drove the engine and me) didn’t mind a cup of coco afterwards :sweat_smile: