Guzbo, The Grumpy Clown - By BloodyBoots

The carnival was sparce that year, the rainy weather chasing most guests away. However a determined few still did their best to enjoy themselves as they rode the rides, ate the food, and met the carnival people.

In the back of the fair were the trailers where the carnival folk were parked. Mr. Sparkles and his fluffy, Guzbo, were clowns together. And like most carnival clowns, they had several addictions and were not the most well-off of people.

Mr. Sparkles downed the rest of his warm, flat beer from the night before and lit a cigarette as he watched Guzbo eat his morning kibble and lap up some stale coffee from his water bowl. Mr. Sparkles lit another cig and put it in the fluffy’s mouth.

“Thanks.” The fluffy said in a gruff, gravely voice from years of smoking. He coughed a few times before dragging himself up off the ground and following his master on their way to their booth.

Guzbo stared blankly at the world before him as he was propped up on his stool next to Mr. Sparkles, who made balloon animals for kids at $5 bucks apiece. One by one the customers came and went, all of them left unimpressed at the two saddest clowns they had ever seen in their lives.

They didn’t care. It didn’t matter. And Guzbo was used to it.

Mr. Sparkles scratched the grizzled old fluffy behind the ear as he snuck a swig from his liquor canteen. He lit another cigarette and coughed a good while before breathing a sign of smoke into the cool air.

“Another day, another dollar…” He said out loud as some kids ran by.

Would they ever catch a break, or get their acts together?

You decide!

  • A.) Write a hugbox story for Guzbo!
  • B.) Write a bleakbox story for Guzbo!
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You gotta cut dow on the deathsticks my guy, all the fluffs at daycare are worried about you i think they are planning a intewvention :vigoda:


Same, Guzbo. The “thanks” instead of “tank ou” (or whatever the acceptable fluffspeak is) is such a nice touch - little man truly has been worn down over the years.


Guzbo for Unity 2024

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Through the power of smokers lung, this fluffy has the voice with the same deepness as a teenaged boy.