H2Oh No (FactionParadox)

You are Pearla, and you were bought when you were just a foal, swimming around in the communal tank. White fluff with black mane, and pretty fins, Mumah always said you were a pretty baby, not like ugly poopie babbeh bwudda who only nummed poopies at bottom of the tank. Your eyes were a deep blue and you were snatched up almost immediately by a wealthy woman and her son as soon as you went on sale.

“Bestest babbeh, nu weave Mummah! Huu huu huu… Meanie munstah wady nu take bestest, nu take bestest!” Shelley cried, banging her flippers against the glass as Pearla was placed in a plastic bag and carried away, before recieving “sorry squirties”, a foul smelling but harmless chemical that irritated Shelley’s scales for a few hours. “Bad wawa nu smeww pwetty, gib wowstest itchies!” She whined, hitting poopie bwudda to relieve her anger before trying to scratch herself on the coral to relieve the itching hives.

“New mummah an’ wittwe daddeh?” You asked, feeling the bag shake as you were carried into the box that made the scary noise, it made you do bad peepees that nu smeww pwetty and made bad wawa. Eventually, you were deposited in the new “safe tank” and it was not as big as the one with Mummah and poopie bwudda, but there were toysies and a funny bubbly thing that made the wawa nice and clear.

Many bwight times past, an Nyu Mummah Hoomin Fwiends come wound and says hewwo to bestest babbeh. Wittwe Daddeh pway scawy games on big teebee with bad noisies, you hide under the rocks when that happens, too scawy for babbeh.

“Jason! If you’re going out later, remember to put the TV on to SeaFluff TV for Pearla!” Jasmine called to her teenaged son, who had abandoned the new fluffy she bought for the latest COD game. “Okay Mom!” He replied, turning on the console. “Huu huu… Wittwe Daddeh, nu pway scawy bang game, too woud for bestest babbeh…” You begged, before screaming as a slipper hit the tank.

“Shut the fuck up, I do what I want! All you do is cry and ask up for more fucking food, that’s why you’re fat!” Jason snapped, picking up the slipper and starting the game. “Huu huuu… Meanie wowds gib bestest babbeh wowstest heawt huwties, huu huu…” You whined. “I’ll give you something to cry about, you little shit!” He grabbed the squirt bottle of “Sowwy Squiwties” and squeezed a load of the thick, Prussian blue liquid into the tank. “SCREEEE! Sowwy wawa am bad fow fwuffie!” You screamed as your scales itches, he took the bestest scratchy coral out as you were unable to relieve the hellish itching or the terrible smell.

Huu huuing quitely for longest times, one of Munstah Wittwe Daddeh’s hoomins came over. “Hang on, I need to put the TV on for the stupid fluffy.” Switching the TV on, you peeped over at it as they left.

“Now, on Fluff TV! Safety with Seabreeze!” The childish, squeaky voice came on, as the image switched to a mint green fluffy with a white mane, but this was a land fluffy. Mummah told you wongest time that you couldn’t be fwiends with land fwuffies, you couldn’t survive on land.

“Hewwo fwuffies! Seabweeze am show 'ou how to be safest in ou Mummah or Daddeh’s bestest safe room in new housie!” The fluffy stated.

“Rule 1! Watch out for big wawa!” The fluffy voice said, the camera cutting back to Seabreeze.

“Fwuffies must wemembew, wawa am bad fow fwuffies! Wawa stop fwuffy fwom making good bweathies and can make fwuffy go fowebah sweepies, which make Mummah or Daddeh hab wowstest heart huwties.” The camera then cut to a chirpeh babbeh being dropped into the sink full of sopay water as it cheeped in distress, coughing and hacking as it tried to stay afloat. “Mummah, mummah! Sabe wittwe babbeh, am mummah sensitib bestest babbeh!” The mare begged, as a gloved hand plucked the drowning foal from the sink and put it on a paper towel, where the mare went over to nurse it.

“So wemembew, don’t be bigges’ dummeh and go in big wawa, or fwuffeh take fowebah sweepies! Wawa am bad for fwuffies!” Seabreeze stated as the end credits played.

Wawa am bad fow fwuffies… But you were in big wawa! Suddenly, your throat became tight and you couldn’t make good breathing. “Hewp, hewp! WAWA AM BAD FOR FWUFFIES, WAWA AM BAD FOR FWUFFIES!” Each time you tried to breath in, you couldn’t. The water was filling your lungs, your vision going black at the edges as bubbles erupted from your mouth, your body shaking. It took minutes for you to finally stop struggling, as you felt very sleepy. Nu am time for sweepies…

Jason later came back with more McDonalds than a grown man could eat as he saw the tank, with Pearla floating at the top. “Cool, it just fucking died. Stupid shitrat.” He muttered, watching the body swell. “Do you think the chemical did it?” Kieran asked. “Who cares, at least we can play in peace without it shitting itself.” Picking up the controller, the game restarted.


I can totally see that spray being a hasbio thing that ppl want to desperate buy so they can annoy their equaly annoying sea fluffies who cry all day


Lol. Pearla may have been bestest, but she sure wasn’t smartest.


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This was really fun. Seafluffy drowning is a funny concept.


Always love seeing more seafluffy content especially in stories. Also gotta love someone who reps Faction Paradox.

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