Hab a sit (by Booperino)

I’ve seen too much baby enfin’ today :V


Chwis Hansen


This was somehow more unsettling than the actual foal rape


Actually, water guns would probably be super effective to pacify rogue fluffies.

Stealing idea.


Oh my! His wife was so distraught.


I like how he showed his peepee 23 separate times during a 5 minute conversation. Fluffies aren’t exactly masters of subtlety when it comes to dating! :rofl:


Or a spray bottle.

Also, only 23 times in 5 minutes? Amateur.


This is hilarious
love that a micro is used as bait


If only he was wearing Nikes. He could have gotten away like this guy did.


Ahh, dark humor is the best, and this is some rich, finely ground dark humor indeed. savors the aroma

While rape has always been part of the fluffy weltanschauung, the concept of the “enfie baby” was a relatively late addition, one that I watched spread with apprehension and no little disgust. Yes, its tasteless, yes it can be harmful to those who have suffered sexual abuse, but what makes it really offensive is that it makes zero sense. Fluffies love babbehs, its kind of their thing–why would adult fluffies suddenly start raping foals, which usually maims or kills the foal? Its stupid “edgy for the sake of being edgy” BS, and it is a discredit to the fluffy community. It should be a bannable offense, though I know that will never happen.

deep breath thank you for attending my TED talk.


Depending on your headcanon (all hail @Oculusfluffy, Dark Lord of Heads and Cannons), you could view it as a deviation, or corruption, of the basic instinct/programming that makes all fluffies “love babies”. Think about it. Fluffies are simple-minded/naive/retarded. Their usual logic could go something like this.

Fluffy loves babies > how does Fluffy demonstrate love? > give huggies

Now, take into account another simple process common to fluffies.

Fluffy loves another Fluffy > is special friend > give special huggies > special huggies are bestest huggies, give good feels > both Fluffies have good feels and love each other

Now, simply add a slight deviation, and you get this.

Fluffy loves babies > how does Fluffy demonstrate love? > give huggies > special huggies are bestest huggies, give good feels > Fluffy and baby have good feels and love each other

After all, fluffies aren’t generally strong when it comes to planning ahead. They also tend to be childish and atimes bratty, possibly viewing the baby screeching in fear and pain as it being an ungrateful brat who pretends the special huggies didn’t feel good to make the stallion cry about being bad at it.

At least, this is how I could see it go without going full hellgremlin where the fluffy enjoys the foal’s suffering.


Fluffy Chris Hansen, reminds me of the tourrettes episode of South Park where the Boys truck a bunch of pedos to show up at the studio and every single one panics and kills themselves on TV. Like back to back 20 of them, lmao.

Perhaps you ought to do more with fluffy Chris Hansen, I could see it getting weird.


Better yet. Why hasn’t anyone done a Maury/Jerry springer.

Feuffy am nu the daddeh! “MAUWY MAUWY”


FractalFluff kinda did

Be insomniac Anon.
Can’t sleep, so you’re idly flipping through the TV channels.
" — and welcome back to Maury Jr’s Fluffy Confidential."


Another thing to consider is how early fluffies become sexually mature. In horses a filly can reach puberty in 9-10 months and sexual maturity in 12-15, while stallions produce sperm at age 12-14 months. So horses having sex at 1 year old would be a relationship between adults, though it is recommended that they be 2 years old before trying to breed them.

If fluffies are adults at 1 year old but are grouped with fluffies under 1 year old it’s not surprising that some of the adults would try to have sex with babies simply because they’re so similar in age.

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Given how much fluffies hate baby enfers, it’s usually deviant fluffies engaging in such practices. It’s edgy, sure, but usually results in bad times for the enfer. The fluffy community is big on disproportionate retributive punishment, and enfers, when caught, get the worst owies imaginable. Of course the fluffy community is also big on no consequences at all, with little room between the two.


I was hoping for the chris handsome turn around but then I remembered it was boop. ~chuckle~


He doing his best with lack of thumbs.

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Maybe Fluffies also feel cute aggression, and have no clue what to do about it so maybe engage more frequently in infanticide and rape out of confusion, lack of self-control, and “I’m happy so be happy for me” selfishness?

Or “they’re more like us than we would ever admit” and the programming is what actually makes them so saintly? Anywhere there is a loophole or glitch they’re just Abusers too?

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Yeah. Though usually the inhumane punishments are dished out to the fluffies who stole a single candy corn, whereas those who started world war I by shooting Archduke Ferdinand end up with a slap on the leggie most of the time.

Cue my RAEG.