half fluffy, half demon. ch 18, (anti)baptism (dragon_not found)

following that shitpost, I think you all want me to suffer, cus that chapter featuring the mother was intentionally short as hecc. Aside from the cursed mother, tiger won the poll. Now, every Achilles has his heel and icar is no exception. Water is a ditturent, but for the second… he’s a demon, right? But of what religion? To be exact, none.

Tiger had rushed to the pool he knew was around at the edge of the orchard. It wasn’t clean, but drinkable, and there was a smaller pool near it, safe for you to wash your baby there. You drop soul, step to the side, and breath. His scent hurt, so that’s why you were going to wash him.
you regain yourself and you grab him. you continue to run(kinda), and arrive at your destination. a small, shallow koi pond overshadowed by a statue. In one swift motion, you dunk soul in, make sure he isn’t drowning, and wash him off. But then, his fluff turns into a lighter blue, then cyan, and then he screams in pain.
”babbeh!” you panic, and hastily pull him out. He is chirping, and you hug him in attempt to heal him, when was the last time he was chirping before? He softly chirps ”buwnie hurties, wai am wawa meanie?”, and you are perplexed. water has never burned him, he was washed off in a puddle when your special friend accidentally gave him sorry poopies, she wanted to clean him herself but you insisted, but for some reason, this burned him. You set him down, and analyze the pool. Nothing catches your eye, except for a statue that overlooks the pond. It’s on the verge of tipping over. You don’t take any risks, soul may be a strange baby, but he’s YOUR baby, and you aren’t going to let your babies get hurt, so you tip over the statue. it’s a rectangular pillar with inscriptions on its side, and you recognized one of the inscriptions of Hinduism: some writing and a picture of some weird guy doing a weird pose with weird clothes, but that doesn’t matter anymore as the pillar crashes onto a large rock in the water.
The results were immediate, as soul’s pained chirping softened and fizzled out. You smile, pick him up, and carry him away to the public nursery. As much as you love your babies, you need a break to find your footing in this herd, and use the smarty already knowing you as a catapult. When you arrive, you are meeted with a cinnamon mare with an orange mane.
”tigah? Wat am ‘ou doin here?”
”tigah nee be toughie, nu can du wif babbehs neaw”

icar is a demon of an unspecified religion, but of what religion? Turns out, ANY religion will weaken and repel Icar. But as for harming/banishing, you need direct contact through one medium or another, and water is one. Any how, they are in a daycare because tiger needs a break.

What chaos ensues?
  • Massacre
  • Nothing
  • A foal going missing.
  • Surprise visit by a willing enfi toy (messed up)
  • Seeing the supreme leader.
  • One ex-mother abducting one of the litter.
  • A game between all the weanlings
  • “We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning scene the world was turning~”
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So, a willing enfie toy you say, but you never said it was going there for enfies right? Let’s gamble with that one

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No enfi babbah, but wherever enfi toys go, the gender counterpart follows :smirk:


Demon tentacle fluffy hentai?

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Ah yeah they’re fused


Wait that leaves, Handholding
You degenerate fiend
You scoundrel

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