Hang 'Em High [By BFM101]

Based on @mostlysane’s Lace Artwork

“The fuck’s wrong with this one.”

Vincent Harkness looked over to where his twin sister Victoria was pointing, inside the display case was Amathyst and her son Candyfloss. Amathyst was a lavender earthie mare while Candyfloss was a white earthie colt, but what made them both special was their tricolour mares, Amathyst was purple, pink and white while Candyfloss was pink, turquoise and navy blue. A very rare trait that only Candyfloss had inherited within his litter.

Rarer still, was that Candyfloss was the only Fluffy in the display case who could talk.

“Dummeh nu-tawkie mummah, weave babbehs awone.”

‘Peep peep peep, chirp chirp’ The adult mare chirped like an infant as she chased her son with a small red ball.

“Gu way, babbeh nu wan pway wiv mummah.”

Amathyst stopped in her tracks, head hung low and tears brimming in her eyes. She raced back to where her bed was sitting and pulled out a length of soft pink lace, whatever anxiety was rising within the chirping adult was slowly dissolved by the gentle touch of her grounding object.

‘Peep. Peep. Peep.’

Vincent wandered over to join Victoria. “That’s Amathyst, one of our special cases. SBS Cadence, that lace is the only thing that keeps her from having a full blown panic attack. Makes it easier to discipline her if she misbehaves but she’s one of our better mares.”

“I though SBS Fluffies couldn’t breed. The chemicals in their brain don’t go off properly and they never mature enough to actually make babies.”

Vincent shook his head. “SBS Cadence, it’s different. Regular SBS is biological, Cadence is psychological. All of Amathyst’s parts are working, it’s just mentally she’s still a foal.”

Victoria grimaced. “And you bred her? Pretty fucked up Vinny.”

“Well I wasn’t planning to but Patriot got loose and… well you know how Patriot is. Once he’d done the deed I figured I’d use the opportunity to see what happens, see if I could get anything decent out of her. Candyfloss there is the only one out of give to share the tricolour mane, he’d make a good stud in the future if he wasn’t such a little brat.”

As if on cue, Candyfloss tapped on the glass of the case. “Yu, hoomin wady. Be nyu mummah su babbeh nu ha btu stay wiv dummeh nu-tawkie mummah.”

Victoria looked down at the white colt. “Oh come on now, don’t be mean to your own mother like that.”

“Dummeh mawe nu am weaw mummah. She make chiwpies wike widdew babbeh, babbehs nu can be mummahs. Bu babbeh nu knyo whewe weaw mummah am su jus caww mawe mummah cos Mistah Vin-sent say su.”

“I see, and I’m guessing you don’t like staying in the same pen as a chirping mare.”

“She am jus su dummeh, babbeh am big babbeh nyo, nu wan pway with dummeh mawes whu nu tawkies wight.”

Vincent opened his mouth to chastise Candyfloss but Victoria stopped him and kept her attention on the colt.

“Well I don’t think that’s any reason to insult her, maybe the two of you just need to bond a little more. Here, let me try something.”

Victoria reached into the case and pulled the length of lace out from Amathyst’s hoofs. The mare immediately started freaking out as her emotional support was wrenched from her, but her panic subsided quickly as she watched Victoria wrap the lace around Candyfloss’ neck and tie it into a bow.

“See, don’t you look so much prettier now, and all thanks to your mother’s lace.”

Candyfloss checked out his reflection in the glass. “Babbeh du wook pwetty, wub pwetty bow.”

‘Chirp chirp peep’ Amathyst clapped her hoofs in approval, giggling at the sight of her son.

Victoria let the family have their good time together, then she grabbed one of the lace ends and yanked Candyfloss off the ground, the knot she had tied turned into a noose and instantly the colt was choking to death.



Candyfloss’s hoof reached for his throat, as though trying to gain any purchase he could find with his stupid flat limbs. Amathyst reached up, trying to grab him, tears streaming down her face and piss streaming down her legs.

Victoria giggled as she watched the mentally challenged mare struggled to do much more than bat her suspended son around.

“Hnng, dummeh nu tawkie mummah. Sabe… sabe babbeh! Pwease! Nu… nu can bweathies”

‘Peeppeeppeeeppeeepeeeepe! Chirp!’

The more Amathyst tried to grab a hold of her son, the more wildly he swung, making trying to hold him even harder. She was now pissing even harder and shitting as all she could do was watch her baby choke to death on the very object that brought her so much comfort.

Candyfloss had stopped chastising his mother, all his efforts now gone into trying to keep himself alive just a little bit longer. Victoria could see a slight tinge of blue underneath his white Fluff. It wouldn’t be long until…


Victoria turned to her brother, having quite forgotten he was there. He sighed and shook his head.

“Not this one, please.”

Victoria rolled her eyes but didn’t argue with him. She reached into the case with her free hand and hooked her fingers into the noose to loosen it slightly while pushing Candyfloss out with her thumb. The colt landed on the floor, coughing and hacking but alive, Amathyst immediately enveloped him in a hug.

‘Chirp chirp, peep peep chirp’

Even with her Fluff stained with piss and shit, Candyfloss pulled his mother closer, holding her tightly as he wept.

“Am so… kaff kaff, sowwy mummah, ba… kaff kaff, babbeh nu mean be meanie, kaff. Babbeh nu kaff kaff wan weave mummah.”

As mother and son held each and cried, Victoria turned to Vincent, her trademark sadistic grin plastered on her face.

“Well, I WAS enjoying myself until you had to be all professional and shit.”

“You do know you don’t HAVE to kill things to enjoy yourself, right.”

“Boo, you’re no fun.”

Victoria turned to leave but stopped and turned back to Amathyst and Candyfloss.

“You be nice to your mother, or I’ll come back for you, and next time Mr Vincent won’t be here to save you.”

She chuckled at the frightened and pair and left for home, already planning to check out some alleyways on her journey to pick up some poor bastard to relieve the bloodthirsty itch building in her brain.

Amathyst simply held onto her son as he slowly recovered from his near-death, crying with him as fear and adrenaline did a number on his psyche. Across the way she could see the lace, still tied into a noose and laying on the floor.

Even with her infantile mind, somewhere Amathyst recognised that her source of her comfort had been tainted. Never again would she be able to use that lace to calm her down during her most frightened moments.

Amathyst peeped softly to herself, her heart breaking at how much scarier the world now seemed.


Loved it!


Cool, surprisingly Vincent can tell his sister to stop when she getting into her killing mode again.

But damn thats a way to fix the brat guess the lace is now “tainted” :sweat_smile:


Oh I loved that she recognised that her favourite lace is now an object of apprehension and source of fear! And also, wouldn’t the colt recognise the scent of his mummah when he suckled her Miwkies? Or is he such a brat to straight up deny her as his mummah?
Great work mate I love how quickly you whip up such fantastic content
Also, waiting for weak ch9

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Candyfloss likely believed Amethyst was his mum at the start but as he got older and started talking, he noticed her inability to talk.

At that point Fluffy logic took over. This mare cannot talk, therefore she is a baby, and babies cannot be mothers. He probably considered her just a milk-nurse at that point


Vincent gives Victoria a lot of leeway when it comes to his products, so if he tells her to stop she knows it’s serious. Won’t stop her from teasing him about it


Then she will retaliate at some point by reminding him that she is the big sister, the supremacy of a few minutes is important.

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Every action has a reaction, and a Victoria reaction is quite a fucking thing


Yeah, but even she should know not to fuck with someone’s livelihood. He didn’t order her or even raise his voice - he made a simple polite request.

If she was hellbent on torturing and killing something right now, Vincent would be probably more than happy to give her some spare stock, but I’m sure that with Victoria, it’s less the physical act and more the emotional and intellectual elements of torture that she enjoys.

Any common abuser can stomp a bestest babbeh to death in front of a mummah. Manipulating the mummah into stomping her bestest to death instead, now that’s the trick.


Ricky, standing with multiple knives hilt-deep in his chest: “Josef was a wimp. My girlfriend Victoria also stabbed me when she left me for the final time and I’m not dead. Then again as a Tory I don’t have a heart so there was no vital organ for her to hit. It still hurts though.”


Let’s hope somebody makes a comic based off of this. Actually now that I found the link for the image about this textpost, I must say I’m satisfied.