English: Hi, it’s been a while, lots of stuff to do but I managed to squeeze some practice time.
I have beenstudying the styles used by some veterans from the community. I hope this helps me to find my own style.
Español: Holi, ha pasado un rato, muchas cosas por hacer, pero pude acomodar algo de tiempo para practicar. Estuve estudiando los estilos utilizados por algunos de los veteranos de la comunidad. Espero que esto me ayude a encontrar mi propio estilo.
No. What I had in mind was: by removing its front legs it wont be able to grab its own skin and try to free itself, making it suffer longer. I hope I am making sense.
Al principio iba a dejarlo como una almohada, luego pense solo remover solo las patas delanteras para que tratara en vano de zafarse con los muñones y de paso hacerle sufrir mas.
Good point. On one hand allowing it to speak helps me to know it is still suffering, with a “scree” and more sobbing/crying every once in a while the skin rips off even more and pleading in vain. On the other hand not allowing it to talk could make its suffering even more unbearable. Decisions , decisions. Maybe next time.
@Myrayray seeing a fluffy/foal with only half of its weggies off. Is so funny just seeing them wiggling around with their remanning front or back legs.