Happy Fluffy Breeders (Pastry_Knight)

another one of my older ones as I am trying to break out of a bit of a creativity block, sorry about the bad fluff speak, I remember someone on the booru describing it as “like walking through slop” or something, I liked putting even more W than required
mawk = make somehow
gawme = game
tiwme = time

Sketty every meal
24711 - author_the_pastry_knight comic_happy_fluffy_breeders_by_The_Pastry_Knight feeding_time foals happiness happy_family hugbox parents safe sketty

Trypophobia mummah
24752 - author_the_pastry_knight chirpy_babbeh comic_happy_fluffy_breeders_by_The_Pastry_Knight feeding foals happiness hugbox mummah safe

24761 - artist_the_pastry_knight author_the_pastry_knight breeder comic_happy_fluffy_breeders_by_The_Pastry_Knight enf happiness safe special_huggies

Money Troubles
24786 - author_the_pastry_knight bank_report comic_happy_fluffy_breeders_by_The_Pastry_Knight contrived expenditure hugbox_week_is_over no_money questionable what_to_do

nu wonga happeh fwuffeh bweedeh


Broken Bones, Dewiggification, Rape and Drowning pool

Seems like a reasonable response to smarty


just noticed that the trypophobia mummah has similar colours as the mare from Spin2Win Battlefluff Entry, Spin to Win, (Pastry_Knight) - #2 by bad_poopies


What is trypophobia?

Trypophobia - Wikipedia there is a frog or something that nurtures is young in pockets on its back and then the baby frogs wriggle out and people including me hate it and I noticed that the babies were in the fluff in a similar way

Unfortunatly money and good trait are polar opossites. I still enjoy lots watching those entitled smarties get some karma.

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lmao shitrat heaven turned to hell

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I would like to see a bit more of this

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Oh yeahhh, that thing

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This is what happens when you ignore the bottom line entirely. Maybe they should have opened a shelter instead.

I wonder what happens if you just squeeze a smarty with both hands?

Reasonable response indeed!